Analyser - Getting Started


Synaptic Analyser Quick Start Guide
Synaptic Analyser - Quick Start Guide All information contained within this guide is fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. ...
Synaptic Analyser User Guide
Synaptic Analyser User Guide.pdf
Logging into Synaptic Analyser
Synaptic Analyser is a web-based system accessed from most devices that have an internet connection. Access is via the Synaptic Software Limited website. Enter the following website into your internet browser: , scroll down the ...
Routes through the system
Analyser has been designed to allow you to quickly access the areas of the tool that you require. As a result, there are two main routes through the system. They are: Income analysis – This route allows you to go through the income analysis secti...
Phased Drawdown
Phased Drawdown is an investment strategy option that can be selected during the income steps of income analysis. Phased Drawdown will compare PCLS and UFPLS for a phased period before moving into full drawdown. Upon selecting phased drawdown, the ...
Phased Drawdown - Adding Plans
The plan name dropdown allows you to select a plan that has been previously input in the clients holding screen, alternatively you can input a new plan by choosing ‘Add new plan’ from the dropdown choices.  You can add as many plans as you would...
Phased Drawdown - Income Requirements
There are two options for income requirements. These are a Level Income or a Profiled Income.  Level Income – if this option is chosen, then the annual figure specified will be assumed to be payable monthly in advance, with no escalation assoc...
Phased Drawdown - Other Income
Other income gives you the opportunity to add details of any other income sources that you would like the system to take into consideration when determining how to meet the income profile along with calculating the tax liability for the scenario. Fo...
Phased Drawdown Results
During the phased drawdown route the first set of results that will appear on screen are for the phased drawdown period only. Unlike the normal drawdown route where the PCLS or UFPLS needs to be chosen up front, with phased drawdown both are display...
Phased Drawdown - Add Annuity
Upon continuing, if there are any Uncrystallised funds remaining, then an annuity comparison can be obtained with the Uncrystallised funds. If no funds remain, then the annuity page will be skipped.  To add an annuity income into the results for co...
Phased Drawdown - Overall Results
The results page is where you can see the input details and whether the desired income profile can be achieved. This page displays the complete journey for this scenario, as such includes both the phased period results and the remaining period resul...
 Synaptic Analyser - Other Income
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. This video will take you through adding income sources within the client module. All information contained within this video is fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely c...
 Creating Holdings
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. This video will explain all holding types, creating platforms, plans and generating policy reports. All information contained within this video is fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, livin...
 Synaptic Analyser - Product Comparison
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. This video will take you through comparing products within the Product Comparison screen. This journey is used when you are aware of your clients income needs and would like to compare the best product...
 Synaptic Analyser - Income Analysis
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. This video will take you through the full income analysis process, allowing you to build a comprehensive view of your client’s income requirements step-by-step. All information contained within this v...
 Synaptic Analyser - Completing Income Analysis through the Results Screen
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. This video will take you through completing income analysis through the results screen. This bypasses the step-by-step process and allows you to add your client’s income requirements directly within...
 Costs and Charges Calculator
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 Maturity Values Calculator
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 Projection Calculator
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Income Analysis Research - Adding Goal Details
A goal must be created for every new piece of research. The first section of the goal details is to input basic information which helps determine term and tax of your projection. Goal Name – This is the name of the goal, this information is sa...
Income Analysis Research - Adding Plans
The add plans screen is where you can select previously input plans from the holdings area, add new plans, project values, and select the income strategy you would like to model. From the add plans screen you have access to three of our financial c...
Income Analysis Research - Income Requirements
There are two options for income requirements. These are a Level Income or a Profiled Income. Level income – if this option is chosen, then the annual figure specified will be assumed to be payable monthly in advance, with no escalation associ...
Income Analysis Research - Other Income
Other income gives you the opportunity to add details of any other income sources that you would like the system to take into consideration when determining how to meet the income profile along with calculating the tax liability for the scenario. S...
Income Analysis Research - Add Annuity
To add an annuity income into the results for comparison against the drawdown profile you first need to activate your Webline account. Once you have activated your Webline account, every piece of Analyser research will automatically provide you with...
Results Page
The results page is where you can see the input details and whether the desired income profile can be achieved. All values can be amended/changed from this screen, or new details added to it. Each time a change is made the system re-calculates the s...
Product Comparison Research
The Product comparison section of the tool allows you to compare the total charges for on and off platform drawdown products to help you decide the most appropriate product to place your clients’ drawdown investment. All the products that appear wi...
Filtering Screen
The filtering navigation detailed on the left hand side. From here you can carry out: Portfolio/Fund selection – This tab is where you select the fund/portfolio to use, add a new fund/portfolio or use a generic fund for the product comparison....
Product Comparison Results Screen
When you are ready to progress to the results screen with your selected portfolio, then select the continue button which can be found in the summary box at the top of the page. This shows how many providers are available for comparison given the ...
From the results screen there are two reports that can be accessed. The comparison report will report the results grid for the scenario and display the inputs. The final report produces a report where individual components can be included or exclu...