Synaptic Software Knowledgebase
Synaptic Pathways
Risk Explorer
Income Analysis
Ex-Post Reviews
Portfolio Builder
Investment Pathways
Fund Lists
My Apps & Settings
Pathways Administration
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Release Notes & Documentation
Synaptic Suite
Synaptic Client
Synaptic Risk and Risk Profiling
Synaptic Modeller
Synaptic Analyser
Synaptic Comparator
Synaptic Webline
Synaptic Webline Play
Synaptic Product and Fund Research
Synaptic Contract Enquiry
Synaptic Suite Settings
Provider Knowledge Base
Product & Fund Research Training Videos
Synaptic Product & Fund Research Training Videos in Product & Fund Research Training Videos
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Toggle navigation
Contact Us
Synaptic Pathways
Risk Explorer
Income Analysis
Ex-Post Reviews
Portfolio Builder
Investment Pathways
Fund Lists
My Apps & Settings
Pathways Administration
Review Synaptic Pathways!
Release Notes & Documentation
Synaptic Suite
Synaptic Client
Synaptic Risk and Risk Profiling
Synaptic Modeller
Synaptic Analyser
Synaptic Comparator
Synaptic Webline
Synaptic Webline Play
Synaptic Product and Fund Research
Synaptic Contract Enquiry
Synaptic Suite Settings
Provider Knowledge Base
Product & Fund Research Training Videos
Synaptic Product & Fund Research Training Videos in Product & Fund Research Training Videos
Synaptic Pathways
Risk Explorer
Income Analysis
Ex-Post Reviews
Portfolio Builder
Investment Pathways
Fund Lists
My Apps & Settings
Pathways Administration
Review Synaptic Pathways!
Release Notes & Documentation
Synaptic Suite
Synaptic Client
Synaptic Risk and Risk Profiling
Synaptic Modeller
Synaptic Analyser
Synaptic Comparator
Synaptic Webline
Synaptic Webline Play
Synaptic Product and Fund Research
Synaptic Contract Enquiry
Synaptic Suite Settings
Provider Knowledge Base
Product & Fund Research Training Videos
Synaptic Product & Fund Research Training Videos in Product & Fund Research Training Videos
Synaptic Pathways
Creating a Trial - New Customers
Setup - Attitude to Risk Questionnaire
Creating a Trial - Existing Salesforce Customers
How much is Synaptic Pathways?
Can I have a trial version?
Contacts - Getting Started
Why am I unable to add a fund to a holding?
Creating a Contact
Contact Page
Risk Rate Holding
Creating an Off-Platform Holding
Off-Platform Holdings - Underlying Assets
Off-Platform Holdings - Contributions
Off-Platform Holdings - Withdrawals
Off-Platform Holdings - Performance
Off-Platform Holdings - Settings
Creating a Platform Holding
Platform Holdings - Holdings
Platform Holdings - Underlying Assets
Platform Holdings - Contributions
Platform Holdings - Withdrawals
Platform Holdings - Performance
Platform Holdings - Settings
Creating a Generic Holding
Generic Holdings - Contributions
Generic Holdings - Withdrawals
Generic Holdings - Underlying Assets
Generic Holdings - Cash Accounts
Generic Holdings - Assets
Generic Holdings - Performance
Generic Holdings - Charges
Generic Funds - Creating a Fund
Generic Funds - Asset Class
Generic Funds - Editing a Fund
Generic Funds - Deleting a Fund
Fund Validation on a Product
Off-Platform Holdings - Holding Report
Platform Holdings - Holding Report
Creating a Special Deal on a Contact record
How do I configure the Contacts tab to only view my clients?
Contacts - Videos
Synaptic Pathways - Contacts
Synaptic Pathways - Off-Platform Holdings
Synaptic Pathways - Platform Holdings
Synaptic Pathways - Creating a Client Special Deal
Risk Explorer
Risk Explorer - Getting Started
How do I log into Pathways?
Creating a new Attitude to Risk Questionnaire
Creating an Attitude to Risk Questionnaire on behalf of your client
Sending an Attitude to Risk Questionnaire to your client to complete
Setting Attitude to Risk Manually
Attitude to Risk Questionnaire Report
Risk Illustrations
Risk Illustrations - Navigation
Risk Illustrations - Creating an Illustration
Risk Illustrations - Investment Details
Risk Illustrations - Pathway Selection
Risk Illustrations - Charges & Fees
Risk Illustrations - Results Screen
Risk Illustrations - Results + Costs
Risk Illustrations - Results + Inflation
Risk Illustrations - Results + Costs & Inflation
Risk Illustrations - Capacity For Loss
Risk Illustrations - Suitability
Risk Illustrations - Compliance Details
Risk Illustrations - Report Content
Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options
Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Illustration Settings
Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Alternative Outcomes
Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - 'What If' Scenario
Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Sustainable Drawdown
Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Solve Contributions
Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Term Matrix
Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Change Portfolio/Fund
Risk Illustrations - Report
Risk Explorer - Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need to complete a new Attitude to Risk Questionnaire after the update?
What does Risk Explorer do?
What browsers are supported?
How are the Risk Ratings calculated?
How do I access Risk Explorer if I already use Salesforce?
Why is the 'Use Client's Default Risk Category' greyed out on the Pathway Selection screen?
What is the difference between Illustration Settings and a 'What If' scenario?
Can I use the software on a mobile/tablet?
How reliable is the data collected for the Risk Ratings?
Do I have to follow a specific workflow?
What Training is available on Salesforce?
What Support is available?
Can we update the text on the Attitude to Risk Questionnaire when sending to a client?
Can I view the scoring method for the Attitude to Risk Questionnaire?
What Attitude to Risk Questionnaires are available?
How do the Asset Allocations align to the Attitude to Risk Questionnaire?
Can I send an Attitude to Risk Questionnaire to the client to complete?
How can I tell when a client has completed an Attitude to Risk Questionnaire?
Can I duplicate an illustration?
Can I have multiple illustrations open at one time?
Will you be able to setup an end goal for a client at beginning of journey?
Why can't I see withdrawals and contributions in the graph?
How do I remove the target amount red line from the graph?
Where do the Compliance notes in the Attitude to Risk Questionnaire pull through to?
Why is the Portfolio Fact sheet 'view' button greyed out in the Compliance Details tab?
How do I include inflation in an Illustration?
When I click on the link to complete an Attitude to Risk Questionnaire, I get an error - why?
My Synaptic Pathways screen doesn't look right - How can I resolve this?
Sustainable Drawdown – why is the retirement age 65 and the term 19 years by default?
Risk Explorer - Videos
Synaptic Pathways - Attitude to Risk Questionnaire
Synaptic Pathways - Risk Illustration Details
Synaptic Pathways - Illustration Outcome
Synaptic Pathways - Risk Illustration Advanced Options
Synaptic Pathways - Risk Illustration Report
Synaptic Pathways - How to reset a users password
Risk Explorer - Downloads
Attitude to Risk Profiler 1-5
Attitude to Risk Profiler 1-10
Metrics Methodology
A2Risk Guide
Income Analysis
Income Analysis - Getting Started
Income Analysis - Creating Research
Income Analysis - Add Goal Details
Income Analysis - Charges
Income Analysis - Plans
Income Analysis - Income Requirements
Income Analysis - Other Incomes
Income Analysis - Annuity
Income Analysis - Results
Income Analysis - Results - Export Charts
Income Analysis - Report
Income Analysis - Advanced Options
Income Analysis - Advanced Options - Compare
Income Analysis - Advanced Options - Creating Scenarios
Income Analysis - Advanced Options - Editing Scenarios
Income Analysis - Advanced Options - Selecting a preferred scenario
Income Analysis - Phased Drawdown
Income Analysis - Joint Life - Create Research
Income Analysis - Joint Life - Add Goal Details
Income Analysis - Joint Life - Charges
Income Analysis - Joint Life - Add Plans
Income Analysis - Joint Life - Income Requirements
Income Analysis - Joint Life - Other Incomes
Income Analysis - Joint Life - Annuity
Income Analysis - Joint Life - Results
Income Analysis - Joint Life - Advanced Options
Income Analysis - Advanced Options - Income Hierarchy
Income Analysis - Videos
Income Analysis Retirement Cashflow - Creating Research
Income Analysis Retirement Cashflow - Results & Advanced Options
Income Analysis Retirement Cashflow - Plans, Income and Annuity
Income Analysis Retirement Cashflow - Report and Illustration
Research - Getting Started
Comparison & Ex-Ante
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Creating through the homepage
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Creating in the research tab
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Creating within a client record
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Add Investment
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Editing Investment Details
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Research Screen
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Research Filtering
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Trades
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Adviser Fees
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Select Platform/Custom Combination
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Research Report
Basis of Illustration - Results
Basis of Illustration - Stochastic Forecast
Basis of Illustration - Deterministic Forecast
Basis of Illustration - Capacity for Loss
Basis of Illustration - Suitability
Basis of Illustration - Ex-Ante Statement
Basis of Illustration - Compliance Details
Basis of Illustration - Report Content
Basis of Illustration - Mark Wrapper as Reviewed
Client Check-in
Comparison & Ex-Ante Report
Off-Platform Product Notes - LV= Smoothed Managed Funds Bond
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Excluded Products
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Convert to Holding
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Using a Central Investment Proposition
Central Investment Proposition - Comparison with ex-ante research
Comparison & Ex-Ante using a CIP - Creating through the homepage
Comparison & Ex-Ante using a CIP - Creating in the research tab
Comparison & Ex-Ante using a CIP - Creating research within a client record
Comparison & Ex-Ante using a CIP - Add Investment
Comparison & Ex-Ante using a CIP - Editing Investment Details
Comparison & Ex-Ante using a CIP - Research Screen
Comparison & Ex-Ante using a CIP - Research Filtering
Comparison & Ex-Ante using a CIP - Trades
Comparison & Ex-Ante using a CIP - Adviser Fees
Comparison & Ex-Ante using a CIP - Select Platform/Custom Combination
Comparison & Ex-Ante using a CIP - Research Report
Basis of Illustration - Results - CIP
Basis of Illustration - Stochastic Forecast - CIP
Basis of Illustration - Deterministic Forecast - CIP
Basis of Illustration - Capacity for Loss - CIP
Basis of Illustration - Suitability - CIP
Basis of Illustration - Ex-Ante Statement - CIP
Basis of Illustration - Compliance Details - CIP
Basis of Illustration - Report Content - CIP
Basis of Illustration - Mark Wrapper as Reviewed - CIP
Client Check-in - CIP
Comparison & Ex-Ante Report
Ex-Ante (Pre Sales)
Ex-Ante - Creating through the homepage
Ex-Ante - Creating in the Research tab
Ex-Ante - Creating research within a client record
Ex-Ante - Add Investment
Ex-Ante - Editing Investment Details
Ex-Ante - Research Screen
Ex-Ante - Research Filtering
Ex-Ante - Switches/Trades
Ex-Ante - Adviser Fees
Ex-Ante - Select Platform
Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Results
Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Stochastic Forecast
Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Deterministic Forecast
Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Capacity for Loss
Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Suitability
Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Ex-Ante Statement
Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Compliance Details
Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Report Content
Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Mark Wrapper as Reviewed
Ex-Ante - Client Check-in
Ex-Ante Report
Switching - Creating through the homepage
Switching - Creating in the research tab
Switching - Creating within a client record
Switching - Research Screen
Switching - Add Ceding Scheme
Switching - Creating a Ceding Scheme from a Holding
Switching - Add Target Scheme
Switching - Results Screen
Switching - Switches/Trades
Switching - Fees
Switching - Family Assets Under Management
Switching - Comparison Report
Switching - Report
Off-Platform Product Notes - LV= Smoothed Managed Funds Bond
Why is the RIY different for the target scheme of the consolidated schemes compared to the individual schemes target RIYs?
Switching - Excluded Products
Research - Frequently Asked Questions
'Something has gone wrong' error in Research
Why does the RIY increase with a greater % in cash?
PruFund Growth & Cautious on M&G Wealth
Why is RIY different when I enter investment amount and AUM separately, compared to adding both amounts as the investment?
Why does the Ongoing Charge data differ to other sources?
Why is research not appearing in the navigation bar?
How do I set a Central Investment Proposition to active?
I have created a Central Investment Proposition, but I cannot see it's reflected in the research?
How is Stakeholder pension reflected in the research?
Why can't I see a specific platform/provider in the research screen?
Research without a Central Investment Proposition - what does it look like?
What's the difference between Research with a Central Investment Proposition and without?
What browsers are supported?
Can I use the software on a mobile/tablet?
What Support is available?
What Training is available on Salesforce?
My Synaptic Pathways screen doesn't look right - How can I resolve this?
Pathways Illustration charge vs Provider published charge
Why is there a negative transaction cost?
How do I configure the Research tab to only show my Research?
Off-Platform Pension Switch with Assets Under Management
Research - Videos
Comparison with Ex-ante - Creating Research
Comparison with Ex-ante - Review, Client Check-In and Report
Ex-ante Research
Ex-Post Reviews
Ex-Post Reviews - Getting Started
Can research be conducted from a holding that hasn't been converted from Ex-Ante Research?
Ex-Post Reviews - How to create a review
Ex-Post Reviews - Review Screen
Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise
Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise - Investment Details
Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise - Contributions & Withdrawals
Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise - Costs & Charges
Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise - Optimise Portfolios
Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise - Assets Under Management
Ex-Post Reviews - Stochastic Forecast
Ex-Post Reviews - Deterministic Forecast
Ex-Post Reviews - Suitability
Ex-Post Reviews - Costs & Charges
Ex-Post Reviews - Capacity for Loss
Ex-Post Reviews - Compliance Details
Ex-Post Reviews - Report Content
Ex-Post Reviews - Client Check-In
Ex-Post Reviews - Report
Ex-Post Reviews - Mark as Complete
Ex-Post Reviews - Videos
Ex-Post Reviews - Video
Ex-Post Reviews - Frequently Asked Questions
Why does the % charge differ to the provider charging brochure on an Ex-post review?
Why are some of the charges missing in the Costs & Charges tab?
Portfolio Builder
Portfolio Builder - Getting Started
Why can't I find Royal London Governed Portfolios and GRIPS?
Portfolio Builder - Creating a Portfolio
Portfolio Builder - Fund Weighting to Risk Category Resolver
Portfolio Builder - Compliance Tab
Portfolio Builder - Portfolio Factsheet
Portfolio Builder - Importing Funds into a Portfolio
Portfolio Builder - Importing Portfolios
Portfolio Builder - Exporting Funds
In-House Discretionary - Create a Portfolio
In-House Discretionary - Funds
In-House Discretionary - Compliance Tab
In-House Discretionary - Asset Allocation
In-House Discretionary - Platforms & Products
In-House Discretionary - Special Deals
In-House Discretionary - Amending a Special Deal
In-House Discretionary - Portfolio Factsheet
In-House Discretionary - Historic Performance
There are different ticks next to the funds in my portfolio. What's the difference?
Is Cash included in the portfolio factsheet?
What is a Bespoke Portfolio?
Can I duplicate a portfolio?
Can I delete a portfolio?
Can I apply a special deal to MPS portfolios?
How do I configure the Portfolio Builder tab to only show my portfolios?
Portfolio Builder - Videos
Synaptic Pathways - Portfolio Builder
Synaptic Pathways - How to Import Funds and Portfolios
Portfolio Builder - Frequently asked questions
Why does more than one fund have the same ISIN identifier?
Restricted Funds in Synaptic Pathways
Investment Pathways
Investment Pathways - Getting Started
Investment Pathways
Creating a Central Investment Proposition
Central Investment Proposition - Adding On Platform Products
Central Investment Proposition - Adding Off Platform Products
Central Investment Proposition - Adding Portfolios
Central Investment Proposition - Adding Fund Lists
Central Investment Proposition - Creating Segments
Central Investment Proposition - Adding On Platforms to a Segment
Central Investment Proposition - Adding Off Platforms to a Segment
Central Investment Proposition - Adding Portfolios to a Segment
Central Investment Proposition - Adding Fund Lists to a Segment
Central Investment Proposition - Adding Adviser Fees to a Segment
Central Investment Proposition - Assigning Users to a Segment
Investment Pathways - Discretionary Fund Managers, Multi-Asset & Insurance Distribution Directives
Investment Pathways - Model, Bespoke & In-House Discretionary Portfolios
Investment Pathways - Risk Ratings
Adding/Removing Portfolios from the Central Investment Proposition
Investment Pathways - Videos
Synaptic Pathways - Investment Pathways
Synaptic Pathways - Central Investment Proposition - Configuring the CIP
Synaptic Pathways - Central Investment Proposition - Using the CIP in Research
Company Settings
Company Settings - Company Information
Company Settings - Branding
Company Settings - Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer and Risk Questionnaire Message
Organisation Growth Rates
Our company logo is appearing too large on the report - why is this?
Can we include our regulatory statements on communications and reports?
Can I upload my own branding?
Company Settings - Getting Started
Company Settings - Videos
Company Settings - Branding Video
Central Investment Strategy
Central Investment Strategy - Client Risk Questions & Answers
How do I change the Risk Set from 1-10 to 1-5 or vice versa?
Central Investment Strategy - Risk Categories
Can I view the Risk Categories?
Special Deals and Discounts
Special Deals and Discounts - Getting Started
Assets Under Management
Creating Special Deals
Creating a special deal for Morningstar
Creating a special deal for Fidelity
Creating a special deal for Abrdn
Creating a special deal for Aviva Wrap
Creating a Special Deal on a Contact record
Special Deals and Discounts - Videos
Creating Special Deals - Video
Creating Special Deals - Provider Examples Video
Fund Lists
Fund Lists
Fund Lists - Exclude Funds
Fund Lists - Import
Fund Lists - Export
Fund Lists - Share Class Lock
My Apps & Settings
My Apps & Settings - App Launcher
Pathways Administration
Synaptic Pathways - How to reset a users password
Setup - Attitude to Risk Questionnaire
How to reset a users password
Administrator Password Reset
Adding New Users
How to grant access to Support
User did not receive a password reset email
I've pinned a task to the navigation bar, how do I unpin it?
How do I access Synaptic Pathways if I already use Salesforce?
Password reset – I cannot bypass the security question, how can I gain access?
Assigning Whole of Market Permissions
Why is Salesforce mandating Multifactor Authentication (MFA)
Setting up Multifactor Authentication
Setting up a new device for Multifactor Authentication
intelliflo office
Setup access from intelliflo store
Setup access in Synaptic Pathways
Importing client details
Importing holdings
Saving reports to intelliflo office
Error message importing intelliflo client
Synaptic CIExpert discount offer
Set Synaptic as quote provider
Link to CIExpert from Pathways
Send quote results to CIExpert
View Pathways Protection pricing in CIExpert
Applying direct from CIExpert
Review Synaptic Pathways!
How to review Synaptic Pathways
Synaptic Pathways Due Diligence
Entering your Synaptic Webline Credentials
Creating a Protection quote
Selecting Benefits
Quote Results Screen
Edit/View Benefit
Level Term Assurance Quote
Critical Illness Quote
Business Protection Quote
Convertible Term Assurance Quote
Decreasing Term Quote
Family Income Benefit Quote
Income Protection Quote
Whole of Life Quote
Joint Life Quote
Comparison Report
More Info & Documents
Protection - Getting Started
Protection - Videos
Synaptic Pathways Protection Video
Synaptic Pathways Protection Credentials Video
Release Notes & Documentation
What's in Pathways 6.11 Release?
What's in Pathways 6.10 Release?
What's in Pathways 6.9 Release?
What's in Pathways 6.8 Release?
What's in Pathways 6.7 Release?
What's in Pathways 6.6 Release?
What's in Pathways 6.5 Release?
What's in Pathways 6.4 Release?
What's in Pathways 6.3 Release?
What's in Pathways 6.2 Release?
What's in Pathways 6.1 Release?
What's in Pathways 6.0 release?
What's in Pathways 5.1 release?
What's in Pathways 5.0 release?
What's in Pathways 4.2 Release?
What's in Pathways 4.1 Release?
What's in Pathways 3.0 Release?
What's in Risk Explorer 2.0 Release?
What's in Pathways 6.12 Release?
Release Notes
Synaptic Suite
Synaptic Client
Client - Getting Started
Risk Rated Holdings
Risk Rated Holdings within the Client Module
Risk Rated Holdings within Modeller
Synaptic Software Client User Guide
Synaptic Software Client Administration Guide
Getting started - Client Module & ATR Questionnaire
Getting Started - Creating Holdings
Top Tip - Adding a Portfolio into a Holding
Improved Client Search
Application Tabs
Creating New Clients
Adding & Removing Users from the Client Module
Attitude to Risk (ATR)
Creating Holdings
Custom Asset Types
Finding an Existing Client
Setting Vitality Client Status within Comparator
Client - Have a Question?
Why do I need to complete a new Attitude to Risk Questionnaire after the update?
How do I add funds to a Manual Fund List?
How do I add Manual Asset Classes?
How do I add a Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP)?
How do I add a Platform?
How do I create a policy report?
How do I create an Accumulation Goal?
Synaptic Risk and Risk Profiling
Why do I need to complete a new Attitude to Risk Questionnaire after the update?
Synaptic Risk Rating User Guide
A2Risk Adviser Guide
What is included in the Risk Service?
Accessing the Risk Service in Synaptic Suite
Accessing the Attitude to Risk Questionnaire
Using Synaptic Attitude to Risk Questionnaire
Top Tip - Attitude to Risk Questionnaire
Top Tip - Paper Attitude to Risk Questionnaire
Top Tip - Using your client's Attitude to Risk to select a Portfolio or Fund
ATEB Suitability content integration
Synaptic Modeller
Modeller - Account Settings
Setting up contract enquiry
Modeller - Getting Started
Synaptic Modeller User Guide
What is Synaptic Modeller?
Risk Rated Holdings within Modeller
Adding a New Client
Finding an Existing Client
Setting the Default Attitude to Risk
Client Attitude to Risk Report
Recording Holdings
Modelling a Goal Based Scenario
Finding Existing Goals
Reviewing a Goal
Scenario Modelling Report
Modeller - Have a Question?
How do I use the work space for modelling new scenarios?
How do I rebalance portfolios?
What do the Modeller graphs tell me?
I have completed the modelling session, but the final report is not loading – why is this?
I cannot find a specific fund in Modeller – why is this?
My chosen fund is unavailable – why is this?
My chosen fund’s asset allocations are missing – why is this?
I get a warning message when selecting a specific fund – what could be causing this?
How do I get values for any holdings by using contract enquiry?
How can I manually add or update values to holdings?
How do I add a cash ISA to holdings?
How do I reset my password?
Is it possible to do joint reports in Modeller?
How do I delete a duplicate record?
How is the attitude to risk level determined? What is this based on?
Where can I find the asset allocation graphs in Modeller?
How are the asset allocations updated?
How do the calculations work in Modeller?
What is the £10k illustration screen?
What is the capacity for loss figure? How can these be determined?
Synaptic Analyser
Analyser - Getting Started
Synaptic Analyser Quick Start Guide
Synaptic Analyser User Guide
Logging into Synaptic Analyser
Routes through the system
Phased Drawdown
Phased Drawdown - Adding Plans
Phased Drawdown - Income Requirements
Phased Drawdown - Other Income
Phased Drawdown Results
Phased Drawdown - Add Annuity
Phased Drawdown - Overall Results
Synaptic Analyser - Other Income
Creating Holdings
Synaptic Analyser - Product Comparison
Synaptic Analyser - Income Analysis
Synaptic Analyser - Completing Income Analysis through the Results Screen
Costs and Charges Calculator
Maturity Values Calculator
Projection Calculator
Income Analysis Research - Adding Goal Details
Income Analysis Research - Adding Plans
Income Analysis Research - Income Requirements
Income Analysis Research - Other Income
Income Analysis Research - Add Annuity
Results Page
Product Comparison Research
Filtering Screen
Product Comparison Results Screen
Analyser - Have a Question?
What is Synaptic Analyser?
Why am I unable to run a Phased Drawdown scenario directly through the Results screen?
When running through a Phased scenario, why am I only able to make changes to the summary details in the phased drawdown screen and not within the final results?
Within the Plans area, why is there only one Phased option when I can choose UFPLS or PCLS separately?
Why is Other Income mandatory when selecting ‘Phased’?
How do I link my Webline account?
How is the tax calculated in Analyser?
I am trying to generate an Annuity quote within Analyser and I am getting an error - why is this?
How do I select a client when clicking into Analyser?
How do I add and amend client details?
Where can I add a holding to use within Analyser?
How do I add Income Sources?
Where can I find previous Analyser research?
How do I start Analyser research?
Can I override the Forecast Life Expectancy?
Are you able to upload your own logos for the report?
Is tax included in the calculations?
Does the client have to take the full 25% when selecting the PCLS option?
How do I select a fund/portfolio within Analyser?
Are the state pension calculations triple locked?
How do I export the charts?
Can Analyser demonstrate results in the event of a market crash?
Synaptic Comparator
Comparator - Account Settings
Synaptic Comparator Setup Quick Start Guide - Download
Setting up service levels and adviser fees
Setting up assets, panel and reports
Introduction to fund panels and portfolio builder
Setting up contacts
Introduction to provider special deals
Introduction to organisation structure
Synaptic Comparator Administrator User Guide - Download
Portfolio Management
Panel Management
Fund Management
How to control the branch / sub company panel permissions in Synaptic Comparator
How to create users in Synaptic Comparator
Setting up Client & Family Assets Under Administration
Setting up adviser charges
Comparator - Getting Started
Synaptic Comparator Quick Start Guide - Download
Synaptic Comparator User Guide - Download
Synaptic Comparator - Pension Switching Guide
Synaptic Comparator Cash Feature User Guide
Top Tip - Pulling values into the Critical Yield Calculator
Getting started with cost and charges calculator
Getting started with projection calculator
Getting started with maturity value calculator
Getting started with critical yield calculator
Generic Fund
How to conduct research in Synaptic Comparator?
Creating a new contact in Synaptic Comparator
Investment details for ISA
Investment details for Onshore and Offshore bonds
Investment details for SIPP
Investment details for a Personal Pension
Investment details for GIA
Changing the default report look and feel
Application Tabs
Using the Existing Plan area
Comparator - Have a Question?
How to access Synaptic Comparator using Microsoft Edge
How to access Synaptic Comparator through Google Chrome
Can’t find a fund?
I am doing ISA research and have to specify GIA amount – why is this?
I am doing ISA research and all of the platforms have been knocked out – what could be the reason for this?
Why are no funds found when trying to create a portfolio?
How to generate Fund factsheets
How to view previously completed research / reports
How to edit a contact in Synaptic Comparator
How to delete a contact in Synaptic Comparator?
How to resume unfinished research?
How to duplicate a contact in Synaptic Comparator?
How To Reassign A Contact In Synaptic Comparator?
How To Duplicate Piece Of Research?
Where can I see the initial adviser fees on a client report?
I have amended adviser fees in Comparator, but the fees haven’t changed? Why is this?
How do I set a flat rate of £1000 initial fee for an adviser?
I have tried logging in and now the site says I am logged out – why is this?
Can I reassign clients to another user?
Forgotten password?
Synaptic Comparator uses Silverlight – what are the plans on developing the product with regards to Silverlight?
I have a special deal with a provider, how do I add these to Comparator?
I have completed the research, but the final report is not loading – why is this?
Where can I find platform factsheets?
When are ISA rates updated for Comparator?
I’m researching a specific wrapper to be included in the platform and the results are showing zero platforms available – what could be causing this?
Why is cash account under investment details greyed out?
Why do I get an error message when adding cash account feature?
My report buttons are missing - why is this?
Comparator Report is showing dollar and pound signs - Why is this?
Synaptic Webline
Webline Account Settings
Email Verification & Password Reset
Verifying your email address
Password Reset
Webline Settings - Agency Codes
Webline Settings - Commission Settings
Webline Settings - Adding New Users
Webline Settings - Provider Panel
Webline Settings - How to disable users
Webline Settings - Editing your details
View Your Details
Edit Your Details
View All Users
Add New User
Edit Your Account
Product and Provider Panels
Agency Codes
Commission Settings
User Options - Vendor Administrator Access
How to edit your Account Details - Vendor Administrator Access
How do I create more user accounts on Webline?
Change Password
Account Details
Add a new user in Webline
Change Company Name/Contact Details
Change Regulatory Details
Change Registered Address
Set or Edit a Business Reply Address
Compliance Text
Software Required
Webline Protection
Synaptic Webline Protection - Redesigned Comparison Reports
Synaptic Webline Protection - Accident, Sickness & Unemployment Cover
Synaptic Webline Protection - Partially Underwritten Quotes
Synaptic Webline Protection - Apply Basket
Synaptic Webline Protection - User Interface Improvements
Synaptic Webline Protection - Multi Benefit
Synaptic Webline Protection - Finding Quotes
Apply Basket - Send to my System
Apply Basket - Send to my Email
News Section
Top Tip - Critical Illness Table
Top Tip - Quick Commission
Webline Protection - Introduction
Logging into Webline through the Synaptic Suite
Client Details Standalone Products - Requesting Quotes
Requesting Quotes - Common Buttons
Requesting Quotes - Standalone Products
Requesting Quotes - Product Details
Requesting Quotes - Decreasing Term Assurance
Requesting Quotes - Family Income Benefit
Requesting Quotes - Income Protection
Requesting Quotes - Whole of Life
Requesting Quotes - Accident, Sickness & Unemployment
Results - Whole of Market Option
Results - Producing an Illustration
Results - "Refreshing" a Quote Result Screen
Results - Selecting the Product
Multi Benefit Products
Multi Benefit Products - Product Details & Quick Commission
Multi Benefit Products - Level Term Assurance
Multi Benefit Products - Decreasing Term Assurance
Multi Benefit Products - Critical Illness Cover
Multi Benefit Products - Income Protection
Multi Benefit Products - Family Income Protection
Multi Benefit Products - Waiver of Premium
Results - Multi Benefit
Grouped Results View
View Options
Evidence of Research
Finding Quotes
Provider Documents
Logging out of Webline
Leave Feedback
Webline Annuities
Synaptic Webline - Detailed Annuities
Creating Quotes - Annuities
Quick Quote Annuities on Webline
Webline - Have a Question?
Why am I getting an agency error when generating a quote?
Can I get instant cover for Accident, Sickness and Unemployment?
Why have I not received a password reset email?
How do I disable pop-ups?
Why is a Provider in the results screen, but not appearing in the Comparison Report?
I get a warning message ‘no response’ on Webline – why is this?
Why does quote prices sometimes differ between Webline and providers?
Why certain providers do not return quotes?
Why do one (or more) providers not return quotes for me on Webline?
Can I quote joint life insurance on Webline, which pays out on second death?
When I click e-apply and buy now on Webline, I don’t get through to the providers website?
Webline errors - something went wrong?
Why do I get "Agency number mismatch" on Webline?
Where can I view the Critical Illness Coverage table?
Why do I get connectivity errors when trying to access Webline abroad?
How do I quote Relevant Life policies only?
How do I update my Webline password in the Synaptic Suite?
CIExpert Integration
Synaptic CIExpert discount offer
Set Synaptic as quote provider
Link to CIExpert from Webline
Send quote results to CIExpert
View Webline pricing in CIExpert
Applying direct from CIExpert
Synaptic Webline Play
Introducing Webline Play
Integrating Synaptic Webline Play, Quote & Apply
Synaptic Webline Play - Integrating Webline Play into your website
Synaptic Webline Play - How to apply for a quote
Webline Play - Colour Options
Webline Settings - Agency Codes
Webline Settings - Commission Settings
Webline Settings - Provider Panel
Webline Settings - Editing your details
Webline Settings - Adding New Users
Webline Settings - How to disable users
Webline Play - Life Insurance Quotes
Webline Play - Income Protection Quotes
Webline Play - Integrating Webline Play onto your website
Synaptic Product and Fund Research
Product and Fund - Account Settings
Using the same account on multiple computers
Is there a limit on concurrent users?
Can I delete users?
How do I create new users and edit accounts?
Can I change a users details and password?
Can I change the administrative password for our account?
How do I administer my firm's user list?
How do I add my agency codes?
Product and Fund - Getting Started
Synaptic Suite Product User Guide
Synaptic Suite Fund Guide
Top Tip - Ethical Fact Find
How to log into Products on our website
How to conduct research - ISA scenario
Fund Factsheets
Funds from a specific promoter and specific contract
Quick Find Box - Contract Tab
Quick Find Box - Company Tab
Quick Find Box - Fund Tab
Quick Find Box - Client Tab
How do I update my Product & Fund research password in the Synaptic Suite?
How do I navigate the software?
How do I start a piece of research?
Overview of the research process
Choosing a product type
Entering client details
What is the layout of the filtering screen?
Grid of contracts
Adding columns to the grid of contracts
Filtering the grid of contracts
Ranking contracts
Generating a suitability report
How do I search for fund factsheets?
Re-opening old research
Manually selecting the contracts to research
Basic hints and tips
Application Tabs
Product and Fund - Have a Question?
What is the best way to check if a specific fund is linked to a Contract?
Why can't I find Royal London Governed Portfolios and GRIPS?
What are the AIC sector changes for Investment Trusts?
Where has the IA Money Market sector gone?
I can't log into Synaptic Product & Fund Research - Why?
Who supplies the past performance data and how often is it updated?
What are the different types of fund research?
Are there any tools available?
Are there any tips when using fund research?
Are there any tips when filtering?
What is the Resource Centre?
The home page
Do I use the Fund Picker or research into linked funds?
How do you use the field chooser?
How do I obtain protection quotes through Synaptic?
What fund reports can I produce?
What is the difference between Quick reports and Suitability reports?
Can you edit Suitability reports?
How does Synaptic deal with contract data?
Does Synaptic save clients and research?
How do you calculate the Stochastic projection graphs?
Where do I find products and how do I start new research?
How do I start fund research?
What report templates do you have on Synaptic?
Where can I find Special offers?
Can I sort the grid in the filtering screen?
Can I share research?
Can I send research to other users?
Can I send research between users?
How is the sector position graph calculated?
How do I save results from the fund picker and include it in reports?
Can I save and export the research grid?
How is the returns each month graph calculated?
Can I research new and existing business?
What is the difference between Report Manager Suitability reports and Quick reports?
Can I remove all filters on the filtering screen?
Can I record notes on research?
How are the ranking graphs calculated?
How are funds ranked?
How do I rank contracts into a league table?
Do you have a link to quote engines?
What is in the Quick reports and can they be edited?
How is the quartile ranking graph calculated?
How are the contracts categorised?
Is there a difference between Product Research and Fund Research?
How is Synaptic Research beneficial to Product providers?
How do I setup Preset Criteria?
How do I create a Portfolio?
How is the portfolio value graph calculated?
Can I produce a Portfolio report?
How is the portfolio composition graph calculated?
How is the performance vs. volatility graph calculated?
Can I create a panel of products?
Can I create mutual fund analysis and factsheets?
How do I use Manual fund lists?
How is the monthly premium graph calculated?
How can I create market research?
Can I manually exclude contracts?
Can I create a list of linked funds for a contract?
Is there limitations if you only subscribe to one module of Synaptic Research?
Do you integrate with other software?
How do I import filtering from old research?
How are the ranking scores calculated?
Can I lock features within preset criteria?
Can I create a portfolio graph?
Can I give users the ability to create preset criteria?
Can I generate multiple fund factsheets and graphs?
What fund sectors do you have on Synaptic Research?
How do you use the Fund Picker?
What fund graphs can I find on Synaptic Research?
What information is in the fund factsheets?
Do you have Ethical funds on the system?
Can I flip the grid in the filtering screen?
How do I find old research?
How do I find contracts, providers, funds, and clients?
Who supplies your data?
What are the benefits of using Synaptic Research?
How do I filter the grid of contracts?
How do I filter on statistics within Product research?
Can I filter on specific linked funds?
How do I filter on sectors?
How do I filter on policy conditions?
How do I filter on past performance?
How do I filter on field values in the grid?
How do I filter on features?
Can I view field definitions and contract notes?
What data does FE fundinfo supply?
How is the distribution of returns graph calculated?
Can I distribute personal presets across the firm?
Can I display factsheets from the data grid?
What are the differences between product-focused and client-focused research?
What are the differences between fund research and product research?
Can I delete research?
What are the definitions of fund performance figures?
How do I define portfolio holdings and settings?
What products do you have on Synaptic Research?
How is the cumulative performance graph calculated?
How do I create shared research for other users to import?
How do I create preset criteria?
Can I create new research based on existing research?
Can I create multiple presets?
Can I copy research?
Can I create bespoke Report Manager Suitability report templates?
What data is within contract factsheets?
Can you use Synaptic research for Compliance checking?
How do I create a comparison report?
How do I create a Company factsheets
How can I check fund availability?
How do I change the title of research?
Can I change the order of data fields in the grid?
How do I carry out file-checks?
How do I build grids and filtering contracts?
What browser software can I use?
Do you have any browser hints and tips?
Do I need to configure my browser to use Synaptic Research?
Is bid-to-bid used for the data on your factsheets?
How is the best/worst returns graph calculated?
What are the basics of fund research?
How is the asset allocation graph calculated?
How is the annual premium graph calculated?
How is the annual performance graph calculated?
How is the alpha vs. beta graph calculated?
How do I add fields to the grid?
When do presets take effect?
How do I set up Personal Preset Criteria?
Can I share my research?
How can I filter on Past Performance?
How do I research Stocks and Shares ISA - Alternative Investment Market?
What is Ranking?
How do I use the Fund Picker?
How do I retrieve research?
How do I select a Product Area to Research?
How do I start client focused research?
How do I start Product Focused Research?
What are the differences between Client Focused and Product Focused Research?
Introduction to filtering
Have you got any tips on filtering?
How do I filter on features?
How do I filter on sectors?
How do I filter on Policy Conditions?
How do I filter on Specific Linked Funds?
How do I filter on Statistics?
Can I remove all filtering within a piece of Research?
How do I manually exclude contracts?
Can I create an audit trail?
How do I filter using a grid of contracts?
How do I create Multiple Reports on Synaptic Research?
How do I send research in Synaptic Research?
Where is my research stored?
How long is stored research held on the system for?
Why is no Quote link being displayed for a product type?
Does Synaptic Research “run in offline mode”?
Synaptic Contract Enquiry
Setting up Contract Enquiry
Synaptic Contract Enquiry - User Guide
Synaptic Suite Settings
Settings - Getting Started
Unipass Certificate
Understanding Icons
Organisation Structure
Parent/Child Organisation Structure
Fund Universe
Portfolio Builder
Modeller Journey Settings
Help and Support
Settings - Have a Question?
Where can I find my Account Settings?
What can someone in an Adviser role see and do?
How do I change my password?
How do I sign out?
Can I customise Modeller?
What is the difference between Portfolio/Panel
How do I add a new portfolio/panel?
Can I share portfolios?
Can I import funds by Citicode?
How do I use the portfolio wizard?
How do I produce factsheets?
Where can I find the organisation and users area?
How do I add additional organisations?
How do I add new users?
What can someone in a Paraplanner role see and do?
What can someone in a Administrator role see and do?
What can someone in a EMP administrator role see and do?
What can someone in a EMP User role see and do?
What can someone in a Corporate User role see and do?
What can someone in a Modeller Journey Override role see and do?
How do I find a user?
How do I delete and edit a user?
How do I reset a users password?
How do I setup client service levels?
How do I add custom asset types?
What can you do within the fund universe area?
How do I setup Modeller Journey Override and Fund Based Journey?
Provider Knowledge Base
Synaptic Webline Protection - User Interface Improvements
Synaptic Webline Protection - Multi Benefit
Synaptic Webline Protection - Finding Quotes
Synaptic Webline - Detailed Annuities
Product & Fund Research Training Videos
Synaptic Product & Fund Research Training Videos in Product & Fund Research Training Videos
Session 1 - Introduction & Homepage
Session 2 - User List, File Check & Preset Criteria
Session 3 - Multiple Report, Resource Centre & Account Details
Session 4 - ISA Scenario
Session 5 - Quick Find Box & Recent Tab
Session 6 - Fund Research by Universe
Session 7 - Funds linked to a specific contract & Funds from a specific promoter
Session 8 - Manual Fund List
Session 9 - Risk Rated Funds
Research - Getting Started
Research - Frequently Asked Questions
Research - Videos
About this Article
Created: 14/02/2025 6:48 pm GMT
Last updated: 14/02/2025 6:48 pm GMT
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