Investment Pathways - Discretionary Fund Managers, Multi-Asset & Insurance Distribution Directives

Discretionary Funds Managers, Multi-Assets and Insurance Distributions Directives can be used as part of an Illustration.

You are able to view the portfolio breakdown by clicking the eye to the left of the portfolio:

If you would like to search by risk rating, use the 'Filter by Synaptic Risk Rating' box:

You can also search by the Name, Promoter or Range:

Filter by Synaptic Risk Rating & Search by Name, Promoter or Range, are available under each of the portfolio types. Only Discretionary Fund Managers, Multi-Asset and Insurance Distribution Directive have the eye icon to view details, as the underlying information can not be opened/amended. 

You are able to create and amend your own Investment Pathways - Model & Bespoke Portfolios