Analyser - Have a Question?


What is Synaptic Analyser?
Synaptic Analyser is the new retirement income analysis and Drawdown product comparison system utilising Synaptic Software’s digital expertise. It provides the ability to model multiple income scenarios, including sources of income such as Property...
Why am I unable to run a Phased Drawdown scenario directly through the Results screen?
Phased Drawdown has been added as another step to complete in the step-by-step process, giving you a workable results screen for the first phase of drawdown. Dependent on how you complete the details in the first phase, this will dictate how the res...
When running through a Phased scenario, why am I only able to make changes to the summary details in the phased drawdown screen and not within the final results?
The edit buttons within the summary area are greyed out because if any changes were to be made in the final results, it would affect the details of the first phased period. It is best to fine tune the details within the first phased period first, be...
Within the Plans area, why is there only one Phased option when I can choose UFPLS or PCLS separately?
When selecting ‘Phased Drawdown’ there is a screen within the Step-by-Step process that allows you to compare PCLS and UFPLS, allowing you select the best option for you client.
Why is Other Income mandatory when selecting ‘Phased’?
An other income has to be added, as this will be the income the client lives on during the phased period.
How do I link my Webline account?
Within the Analyser journey you are able to generate an Annuity quote for your client.  You will need to link your Webline account within the Synaptic Suite before you can do this.  Start by logging into the Synaptic Suite and select the Webline t...
How is the tax calculated in Analyser?
Analyser looks at all taxable income that is being received as a gross figure for each tax year. This total is then cross referenced against the relevant tax table (either Scottish or non-Scottish), this then tells the system how much tax to apply ...
I am trying to generate an Annuity quote within Analyser and I am getting an error - why is this?
When attempting to generate an Annuity quote within Synaptic Analyser, you may get the following error: This indicates you have not added your Webline details within the Webline tab in the Synaptic Suite. Your Webline account must be linked befo...
How do I select a client when clicking into Analyser?
After logging in and selecting Analyser, you will be prompted to select a client Synaptic Analyser uses client details throughout the journey. Before using Analyser it is mandatory to select or create a client. If your client details are already...
How do I add and amend client details?
To add and amend client details you must navigate to the client details screen, select the client tab from the menu at the top of the page. From the client tab, you can create new client details, input holdings, and income information. Once thes...
Where can I add a holding to use within Analyser?
When you have selected a client, you can create holdings from the holdings tab down the left hand side. Holdings are added into the system using the Contract Enquiry service, or by adding the holding information in manually. This section will fo...
How do I add Income Sources?
The incomes sources section on the left hand pane is where you can input the entire clients other income sources that they have currently or know that they will be receiving at a future point in time. This information can be used as part of the Anal...
Where can I find previous Analyser research?
All previous Analyser research can be located from the left hand navigation pane under the Retirement Income Goals section. From this screen, you can; Duplicate a piece of research, Resume a Retirement goal, Delete incomplete goals, and View...
How do I start Analyser research?
Before using Analyser, you must first select a client. Once a client has been selected Analyser is launched from the add button on the Retirement Income Goals page, from selecting the Analyser tab from the top ribbon, or by selecting New Retirement ...
Can I override the Forecast Life Expectancy?
Yes - The Forecast Life Expectancy field will automatically calculate using ONS statistics. This will use the clients date of birth and gender to calculate their forecast life expectancy. This field is required, but can be overwritten.
Are you able to upload your own logos for the report?
Unfortunately you cannot upload your own logos for the report
Is tax included in the calculations?
Basic income tax is in the background. Tax and NI will be at the current rate based on the information provided for the analysis. You are able to include gross income and effects of inflation within the research.
Does the client have to take the full 25% when selecting the PCLS option?
No - this field can be overwritten.
How do I select a fund/portfolio within Analyser?
Before a comparison is produced, you must first select a fund/portfolio for the investment to go into. This can either be done by using: Generic fund  Selecting an existing portfolio Creating a new portfolio. Generic Fund – selecting t...
Are the state pension calculations triple locked?
Yes - the state pension calculations are triple locked
How do I export the charts?
The chart data within the Results screen can be exported. Start by selecting 'Export Charts': To export the charts, you will need to save the images as a picture. Right-click on the chart and select 'Save picture as...': Select the folder y...
Can Analyser demonstrate results in the event of a market crash?
To demonstrate this we would need to allow the user to specify different growth rates for different durations, currently the system only allows one growth rate to be input for the duration of the scenario.