Comparison & Ex-Ante - Convert to Holding

This article is a continuation of Comparison & Ex-Ante Report

Once you have created your Comparison & Ex-Ante report and it has been marked as complete, you can convert the research into Holdings.

Click Convert to Holding

A pop-up will appear with a list of products you have recommended:

Holdings can only be created one at a time, click on the first product you would like to create:

Enter the value of the holding.

Note: Leaving this field blank or with a '0' value will create underlying assets without the 'number of units' being populated.

Convert to Holding

The Holding and it's underlying funds have been populated.

If you only have one holding to convert, click into the green success message to go to the newly created holding.

As we have another to convert, we will move on to creating the remaining holding.

Our first holding has been greyed out to show it has been converted.

Select the + button:

As with the first holding above, enter Initial Holding Value and Convert To Holding.

Click the success message to navigate to the newly created holding:

The holding has been populated with details of the holding and it's underlying assets:

Underlying Assets: