Creating a special deal for Aviva Wrap

In Synaptic Pathways, you are able to create special deals for Providers. Provider charging structures can vary and may need to be setup differently to ensure the deal pulls through correctly.

For the Aviva Wrap Platform, they have a Core (insured) fund range which use a standard AMC. The choice fund range has an additional 0.05% for 'Choice' external funds which are applied through AMC 2.

The core fund range and choice fund ranges are specific to Aviva Retirement Wrappers (Pensions/SIPP/Drawdown).


ISA special deals have a standard setup, see the below articles on how to create a special deal:

Creating Special Deals

Creating Special Deals - Video

SIPP/Personal Pension

In the screenshot below, using a SIPP & PP as an example, you will see under the fund type column, All is listed for SIPP AMC. Use this area to set your special deal using the Core fund range.

If using the Choice fund range, you will see External3 listed under the Fund Type column in the AMC2 area. A 0.05% additional charge applies.

Note: Screenshots in our articles are for demonstration purposes only.

Income Drawdown

Income Drawdown charges differ slightly to SIPP/PP within Synaptic Pathways. This is due to Income drawdown historically researched in Synaptic Analyser which had different functionality to Synaptic Comparator. 

Drawdown AMC only applies when invested solely in core (insured) funds.

Drawdown AMC 2 applies when invested in choice funds.

Therefore we would suggest the special deal be applied to both Drawdown AMC and Drawdown AMC 2 in Pathways. See example below:

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