Entry Pack
- Salesforce Licence
- Contacts
- Holdings
- Attitude to Risk Questionnaire
- Portfolio Builder
- Asset Allocation
- Synaptic Risk Ratings
- Investment Pathways
- Central Investment Proposition
- Moody’s Analytics
- Launch Product & Fund, Webline & Retirement Analyser
Risk Explorer
- Risk Illustrations based on Moody’s projections.
- Configure an investment scenario for research. This includes amount, withdrawals, contributions, term etc.
- Capture costs including platform, product, portfolio, adviser charging/input as a single RIY
- Models outcomes and downside risk/ Capacity for Loss (min gain).
Comparison with ex-ante
- Compare Platforms/Products
- Whole of Market or use a Central Investment Proposition
- Reduction in Yield
- Stochastic Projections
- MiFID II costs & charges disclosure
- Impact of costs, inflation and value of advice
- Ex-ante Illustration
Ex-ante (Pre-sales)
- Same as above, but use this to create an ex-ante illustration for a single product
- Product switching (including pensions, ISA, bonds)
- Consolidate one or more existing policies (ceding schemes) to a new single scheme
- Add Target scheme (Leave blank to compare all available products, select a product & add alternative product)
- Include Adviser Fees, Trades and Family assets under management
- Critical Yield, Hurdle Rate, RIY and Growth Rate
- Consolidation report
- Stochastic & deterministic methodologies
Income Analysis
- Cashflow/Retirement income analysis
- Configure an scenario, including
- Investment details
- Charges
- Plans
- Income requirements
- State pension
- Other incomes
- Annuity
- PCLS, UFPLS and Phased Drawdown income strategies
- Results showing income and fund value
- Edit in Advanced Options
Synaptic Product & Fund Research
- Product Research
- Fund Research
- Fund Factsheets
- Setup Preset Criteria
- Reports