Comparison & Ex-Ante


Comparison & Ex-Ante - Creating through the homepage
Research can be created directly from the Pathways homepage, through the Research tab and within a Contact record. To create a comparison with Ex-ante scenario directly from the Homepage, hover over the Research tab and select the down arrow: S...
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Creating in the research tab
Research can be created directly from the Pathways homepage, through the Research tab and within a Contact record. To create a comparison with Ex-ante scenario in the Research tab, click into the tab from the Homepage: All existing research wil...
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Creating within a client record
Research can be created directly from the Pathways homepage, through the Research tab and within a Contact record. To create a comparison with ex-ante scenario within a contact record, either: Search for the client in the top search bar: Alter...
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Add Investment
Once the Research has been created, you can start to add Investments to research. See articles on how to create research - Comparison & Ex-Ante - Creating through the homepage Comparison & Ex-Ante - Creating in the research tab & Com...
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Editing Investment Details
Edit wrapper Investment details through the Edit button: Make changes and Save Once saved, the results will recalculate: ...
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Research Screen
In the example below, we have added a  Pension  as an investment. If you are unsure of how to add investments, see article Comparison with Ex-Ante - Add Investment for details. Multiple investments can be added through the Add Inves...
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Research Filtering
Term When updating the term, click Update Results Filter Results by Provider Filter the results by selecting one or more providers in the drop down: Click back into the drop down to select multiple providers Filte...
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Adviser Fees
Adviser Fees can be added/amended through the Fees  tab: If you have chosen to set Adviser Fees per Investment, the Add Fees Per Investment button will be enabled and fees will be greyed out. You will need to edit each investment in the ...
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Select Platform/Custom Combination
When you are ready to select the Platform or Platform and Off Platform combination, select the  +  next to the chosen product: Select Continue to Ex-Ante Illustration: This will take you through to the Basis of the Illustratio...
Comparison & Ex-Ante - Research Report
A Report can be created on the Research report: You can either view the report or download: ...
Basis of Illustration - Results
The Basis of Illustration> Results  tab displays each investment separately. It outlines the following: Result Summary Investment Proposal Details  Investment Amounts Contributions & Withdrawals Custody Details Ad...
Basis of Illustration - Stochastic Forecast
This article is a continuation of Basis of Illustration - Results The Stochastic Forecast tab includes a Projection, Probability and Portfolio graph: The first column is based on the Target Strategic Asset Allocation . The second column is ...
Basis of Illustration - Deterministic Forecast
The Deterministic Forecast tab allows you to review a deterministic graph, showing the Net Contributions , Overall Return and Return Without Fees  over the  Term of Investment.   Overall Growth %  & Overall Growth &p...
Basis of Illustration - Capacity for Loss
The Capacity for Loss tab will need to be completed for each investment on the Illustration. Complete the questionnaire: You will not be able to proceed to the Check-in without the Capacity for Loss statement completed. You have the oppor...
Basis of Illustration - Suitability
The Suitability  tab will display an Efficient Frontier  graph: Included in this screen is a  Value at Risk Statement at the bottom of the graph: Next tab to review is the  Ex-Ante Statement.  See article  Ba...
Basis of Illustration - Ex-Ante Statement
The Ex-Ante Statement tab outlines a breakdown of all costs: The next tab to review is the Compliance Details.  See article  Basis of Illustration - Compliance Details ...
Basis of Illustration - Compliance Details
The Compliance Details tab includes an internal Compliance Statement , Stochastic Investment Forecast Details by Year , Calculated Fees Summary , Risk Summary and Fund Fact sheet. The Compliance Statement is internal and will not app...
Basis of Illustration - Report Content
Report Content contains a Recommendation Summary and Target Portfolio Summary.  When completed, they will appear on the report. The Outcome Summary  will display Total Invested During Term , Expected Outcome (Stochastic) , Fin...
Basis of Illustration - Mark Wrapper as Reviewed
Once all tabs have been reviewed and the Capacity for Loss statement has been completed, you can check the box next to the Investment: If this is the only investment, you can proceed to the Check-In stage. If you have multiple investments, y...
Client Check-in
The Client Check-In  allows you to add commentary to evidence that the clients attitude to risk, knowledge & experience and personal circumstances have been assessed. Once complete, Continue to Report ...
Comparison & Ex-Ante Report
In the Report  area, you will find a Report for each Investment on the left side of the screen: Click  View Report: When selecting the report, it will be highlighted green on the left. The report will load on the right side of the...
Off-Platform Product Notes - LV= Smoothed Managed Funds Bond
Fund Options The bond currently has five fund options. You can only choose one fund option at a time when investing in the bond. Switching You can change your fund option free of charge up to three times for each policy year but if you do ...