Comparator - Getting Started


Synaptic Comparator Quick Start Guide - Download
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Synaptic Comparator User Guide - Download
Synaptic Comparator User Guide.pdf
Synaptic Comparator - Pension Switching Guide
Synaptic Comparator - Pension Switching User Guide.pdf
Synaptic Comparator Cash Feature User Guide
Introduction This user guide has been created to outline how to use the additional cash account functionality that has been incorporated into the existing Comparator tool. This guide will only outline how to use the new functionality, please refe...
 Top Tip - Pulling values into the Critical Yield Calculator
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Easily compare growth rates of plans against each other. ...
 Getting started with cost and charges calculator
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 Getting started with projection calculator
This video will take you through the Projection calculator, which will allow you to calculate maturity values when they have not been supplied. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
 Getting started with maturity value calculator
This video will take you through the Maturity values calculator, which will allow you to bring all illustrations growth rates up in line with each other, if they have different rates. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
 Getting started with critical yield calculator
This video will take you through the critical yield calculator, which allows you to calculate the critial yield and hurdle rate of a new plan. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
Generic Fund
When making a fund selection you will be able to bypass the need for a portfolio and apply the same fund costs across all products.  You will need to define the net initial and on-going costs of the fund & the growth rate the fund has. It is pos...
How to conduct research in Synaptic Comparator?
All research must be performed against a contact, click on Contacts in the left hand menu. In the Contacts screen, you should by default see a list of available contacts to choose from, click on the name of the person you wish to conduct...
Creating a new contact in Synaptic Comparator
To create a new contact in Synaptic Comparator, click on the Contacts button in the left hand menu: You will then be presented with the Contacts screen: Click the new  button: The contact details (titled Personal) will ...
Investment details for ISA
When including a ISA Stocks and Shares in your research, you need to complete the ISA Investment panel. Click on ISA on the left hand menu On the right hand Investment pane, complete the amount of contribution that will be invested i...
Investment details for Onshore and Offshore bonds
When including an Onshore or Offshore bond in your research, you need to complete the Onshore and/or Offshore bond Investment panel. Click on Bonds in the left hand menu. If you have only chosen one bond type, that one will be highligh...
Investment details for SIPP
When including a Self Invested Personal Pension in your research, you need to complete the SIPP Investment panel. Click on SIPP in the left hand menu: In the right hand Investment pane, complete the amount of contribution that will b...
Investment details for a Personal Pension
When including a Personal Pension in your research, you need to complete the PP Investment panel. Click on PP in the left hand menu In the right hand Investment pane, complete the amount of contribution that will be invested in the P...
Investment details for GIA
When including a GIA in your research, you need to complete the GIA specific amount. Click on Platforms in the left hand menu: In the right-hand Investment pane, complete the GIA SPECIFIC amount (£) field with the amount you wish to i...
Changing the default report look and feel
Click on Setup  from the left hand menu: Click Report Features in the Synaptic Comparator section: You will then be taken to the Report Features menu: You can now set which fact sheets should appear by default in all...
Application Tabs
There are 7 tabs at the top of the screen that you can choose from: Clients - where you can add or retrieve client details. Risk rating -  Risk rated funds and portfolios Modeller  - an investment planning and risk profiling tool. Comparato...
Using the Existing Plan area
The existing plans area allows you to add the combined maturity values and projection rates of your clients retirement plans. Once added, the existing plans will be ranked against Retirement products within the results screen. To start, you will ne...