In-House Discretionary - Funds

This article is a continuation of In-House Discretionary - Create a Portfolio

Add funds through the fund search box:

(Your portfolio must total 100% allocation in order to be risk rated and saved. If you have not fully allocated your portfolio your changes may not be saved)

You can search by fund name, citicode, sedol, ISIN and Mexid. If using an active Fund List, you may have to enable Whole of Market to search the full fund database:

Advanced Search allows you to filter on Local and Global sectors, select whether you would like to search Whole of Market, for Parent Only funds and Generic Funds:

Select either a Local or Global sector

Select Whole of Market to search all funds in the database. 

Tick Parent Only to return primary funds. Leave unticked to return all funds including Parent/Child funds.

Tick Generic Funds to return funds you have created in the system:

Once you have selected your filters, Apply and Search:

Select the fund you would like to add to the portfolio

Enter the weighting of each fund. As you fill in the information, the weighting will auto calculate the remaining funds. In the below example, I have changed the weighting of the top fund to 21%:

Once updated, the weighting is locked – as seen by the green lock icon. The remaining funds have automatically rebalanced to 100%:

Work your way through the weightings, until all funds are locked. 

If you are unsure of the weightings and would like Portfolio builder to solve it for you, see article Portfolio Builder - Fund Weighting to Risk Category Resolver

Enter any cash in the field below:

Now we have completed the weightings, you will see the Risk Profile Category will update on the right side of the screen, giving you an up-to-date view of the risk category of the funds and weightings. 

You will also see the Min. Mean and Max figures of the portfolio within the asset class breakdown:

In some cases, if a fund has not got the relevant asset allocation data, an administrator is able to override the asset allocation by selecting Set

This will open the Set override tab to enter the asset allocation breakdown. Enter the values into the OAA column, as seen below:


PAA – Promoter Asset Allocation

OAA – Own Asset Allocation

RP – Resulting Position 

Once complete ‘Save’. 

You will see the ‘Set’ has changed to a blue tick:

The data on the right side will only generate if the portfolio totals 100%

The portfolio does not need to be saved. As long as you have clicked away from any amendments you have made, it will save automatically.

Further details of the portfolio can be found in the Compliance tab. This includes a compliance summary, an efficient frontier & asset allocation graph. More information can be found in the article:

In-House Discretionary - Compliance Tab