New Articles

  1. Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Ex-Ante Statement

    The Ex-Ante Statement tab outlines a breakdown of all costs: The next tab to review is the Compliance Details.  See article  Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Compliance Details ...
  2. Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Suitability

    The Suitability  tab will display an Efficient Frontier  graph: Included in this screen is a  Value at Risk Statement at the bottom of the graph: Next tab to review is the  Ex-Ante Statement.  See article Ex-Ant...
  3. Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Capacity for Loss

    The Capacity for Loss tab will need to be completed for each investment on the Illustration. Complete the questionnaire: You will not be able to proceed to the Check-in without the Capacity for Loss statement completed. You have the oppo...
  4. Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Deterministic Forecast

    The Deterministic Forecast tab allows you to review a deterministic graph, showing the Net Contributions , Overall Return and Return Without Fees  over the  Term of Investment.   Overall Growth %  & Overall Growth &p...
  5. Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Results

    The Basis of Illustration> Results  tab displays each investment separately. It outlines the following: Result Summary Investment Proposal Details  Investment Amounts Contributions & Withdrawals Custody Details Ad...
  6. Ex-Ante - Select Platform

    When you are ready to select the Platform or Off Platform product, select the  +  next to the product: Select  Continue to Ex-Ante Illustration: This will take you through to the  Basis of the Illustration . See artic...
  7. Ex-Ante - Adviser Fees

    Adviser Fees can be added/amended through the Fees  tab: If you have chosen to set Adviser Fees per Investment, the Add Fees Per Investment button will be enabled and fees will be greyed out. You will need to edit each investment in the ...
  8. Ex-Ante - Switches/Trades

    Add switching information through the Switches/Trades tab.  The  Set Trades + button will become available once information is complete. Set Trades +  to apply to the Results: The button will be greyed out once applied. ...
  9. Ex-Ante - Research Filtering

    Term When updating the term, click Update Results Filter Results by Provider Ex-Ante only Research is based on selecting a single product. Filter Results by Product Ex-Ante only Research is based on selecting a single product. ...
  10. Ex-Ante - Research Screen

    In the example below, we have added a Self Investment Personal Pension  as an investment.  If you are unsure of how to add investments, see article Ex-Ante - Add Investment for details. Review the details of your chosen Investment: ...