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  1. Income Analysis - Report

    This article is a continuation of Income Analysis - Results - Export Charts Once the Results screen has been reviewed, view the report through the View Report  button: The report will load on the screen: ...
  2. Income Analysis - Creating Research

    Create Income Analysis research through the Contact record. Navigate to Contacts tab: Find your client in the list or search: Scroll down to Income Analysis  and click  New: Complete New Income Analysis  details...
  3. Income Analysis - Add Goal Details

    This article is a continuation of Income Analysis - Creating Research Complete the Add Goal Details screen. These details will be used throughout the research to provide a picture of how long the fund will last against a given income requiremen...
  4. My Apps & Settings - App Launcher

    My Apps & Settings allows you to access App Launcher and Provider Credentials. In this article, we will be looking at the App Launcher. Webline Protection, Product & Fund Research and Retirement Analyser will be greyed out until you...
  5. Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise - Optimise Portfolios

    Optimise Portfolio Review funds and current weightings to determine whether the portfolio should be updated. Add and remove funds Change weightings  Rebalance Select an alternative portfolio Select Growth Rate for Next Period and Remai...
  6. Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise - Assets Under Management

    Assets Under Management Include Client and Family Assets Add, Edit and Remove Platform assets under management Choose to include or exclude the Client and Family Assets for the review: Add a new Platform by selecting from the dropdown ...
  7. Why does the % charge differ to the provider charging brochure on an Ex-post review?

    With the Ex-post review screen, the percentage cost is calculated from the monetary (£) figure.  The monetary figures are calculated using the balance of the product and any growth on the balance. The percentage derived from this monetar...
  8. Ex-Post Reviews - Video

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  9. Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise - Costs & Charges

    Costs & Charges Amend Adviser Fees Amend Remaining Trades (Buy/Sell) Add or amend Adviser Fees and Trades (Buy/Sell) Move onto the Optimise Portfolio  tab ...
  10. Ex-Post Reviews - Costs & Charges

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Suitability The Costs & Charges tab includes a breakdown of all costs, in line with MiFID II directives: Disclosure also needs to include a separate forecast for costs for the first yea...