New Articles

  1. Comparison & Ex-Ante - Add Investment

    Once the Research has been created, you can start to add Investments to research. See articles on how to create research - Comparison & Ex-Ante - Creating through the homepage Comparison & Ex-Ante - Creating in the research tab & Com...
  2. Central Investment Proposition - Assigning Users to a Segment

    Assign Users to a Segment in a Central Investment Proposition by clicking into the Assign Users  tab: Click on user to move them over to the Assigned Users area: Multiple users can be assigned at once. Click on the first use...
  3. Central Investment Proposition - Adding Adviser Fees to a Segment

    This article is a continuation of Central Investment Proposition - Adding Fund Lists to a Segment Add Adviser Fees to a segment within a Central Investment Proposition through the Adviser Fees tab: Fees can be entered using either a perc...
  4. Central Investment Proposition - Adding Fund Lists to a Segment

    To add Fund List/s to a Segment within the CIP, click into the Fund Lists tab: Move one or more Fund Lists by clicking on the list you would like to add to the segment. Once selected, click the arrow to move the Fund List over to Fund Lis...
  5. Central Investment Proposition - Adding Portfolios to a Segment

    To add Portfolios to a Segment within the Central Investment Proposition click into Portfolios Move one or more portfolios by clicking on the portfolios you would like to add to the segment. Once selected, click the arrow to move the portf...
  6. Central Investment Proposition - Adding Off Platforms to a Segment

    To add Off Platform products to the segment, click into the Off Platform Products tab: Click on the Off platform product you would like to add to the segment: Once selected, click the arrow to move the product over to  Off Platform ...
  7. Central Investment Proposition - Adding On Platforms to a Segment

    After creating the segment, On platform products will be the first screen to complete. Click on the On platform product you would like to add to the segment: Once selected, click the arrow to move the platform over to Platforms in Segment ...
  8. Central Investment Proposition - Creating Segments

    Creating segments within the Central Investment Proposition allows you to use the on & off platforms, portfolios and fund lists added to the CIP and allocate them to a segment. You are able to set Adviser Fees against each segment and set which ...
  9. Central Investment Proposition - Adding Fund Lists

    Add fund lists in the Fund Lists  tab: Select the fund list/s you would like to add to the CIP: Use the arrow to move the list to Assigned to CIP For more information on configuring your CIP, see article  Central Inves...
  10. Central Investment Proposition - Adding Portfolios

    Add Portfolios to the  Central Investment Proposition through the Portfolios tab: Use the search box on the left of the screen to find Portfolios you would like to add to the CIP. The all dropdown can be used to set what type of port...