Popular Articles

  1. Can I change the order of data fields in the grid?

    Once you have added fields to the research grid you can change the order of the columns by clicking on the  Options link in the top right of the grid, and then choosing the  Change field  order link. This displays the pop-up win...
  2. How do I retrieve research?

    Once research has been started on Synaptic it will be automatically saved if you need to leave the software.   To retrieve the research, from the Home Page , navigate to the Recent  tab: Here you will find the last twenty pieces of ...
  3. Can I share research?

    Designated users have the ability to mark research as shared so that it can be imported by other users. You mark research as shared simply by clicking on the not shared link on the menu bar. You can stop sharing the research by clicking on the link...
  4. Organisation Structure

    When accessing Setup , you will be shown the Organisation Structure screen. When an item within the Organisation column is clicked in the middle of the screen, the right hand side menu will show all the users logins, licences and roles assigned u...
  5. Do I use the Fund Picker or research into linked funds?

    Firms who subscribe to both the product and fund modules of Synaptic Research have a choice: you can either use the Fund Picker as a quick and simple way of selecting the funds to recommend on a contract, or you can use the Fund Research link in or...
  6. How do I setup client service levels?

    This area is accessed from the left hand menu underneath the Organisation Structure tab by selecting the Service levels tab under the Contacts section. Under this area there are four default service levels which can be changed to suit the need...
  7. Does the client have to take the full 25% when selecting the PCLS option?

    No - this field can be overwritten.
  8. How do I produce factsheets?

    You can produce an individual fund fact sheet by clicking on the factsheet  icon as shown below: You can also produce a portfolio factsheet by clicking on the Portfolio Factsheet button as shown below: You have the choice t...
  9. What fund reports can I produce?

    You can generate suitability reports for fund research in exactly the   same way as for product research: you use the   Report   link on the menu bar of either the filtering screen or the ranking screen. As ever, it is worth beari...
  10. Entering client details

    You can view a factsheet for an individual contract simply by clicking on its name in the grid (clicking on the company name displays a factsheet for the provider). The contract factsheet is illustrated by the first screenshot, and can be saved in P...