Updated Articles

  1. Can research be conducted from a holding that hasn't been converted from Ex-Ante Research?

    Yes, you are able to select a new holding (including generic) and create an ex-post review. When the ex-post review loads, you will see the same screen as when using a converted holding from ex-ante research, but there will be no Previous state.&...
  2. Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise - Investment Details

    Investment Details In the Investment Details tab you are able to: Amend the term Select Central Investment Proposition or Whole of Market  Complete MiFID II Compliance information  Choose a Risk Category In this example, we will ...
  3. Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise - Contributions & Withdrawals

    Contributions & Withdrawals In the Contributions & Withdrawals tab you are able to: Add or Edit Contributions Add or Edit Withdrawals Existing Contributions and Withdrawals will be listed. You can either edit existing contributions, ...
  4. Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise - Costs & Charges

    Costs & Charges Amend Adviser Fees Amend Remaining Trades (Buy/Sell) Add or amend Adviser Fees and Trades (Buy/Sell) Move onto the Optimise Portfolio  tab ...
  5. Ex-Post Reviews - Client Check-In

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Report Content The Client Check-In  screen allows you to add commentary to evidence that the clients attitude to risk, knowledge & experience and personal circumstances have been asses...
  6. Ex-Post Reviews - Mark as Complete

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Report Once the report has been reviewed, Mark as Complete at the top right of the screen: Update Holding Now The Mark as Complete button will be greyed out once done. ...
  7. Ex-Post Reviews - Compliance Details

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Capacity for Loss The Compliance Details tab includes an internal Compliance Statement , Stochastic Investment Forecast Details by Year , Portfolio Factsheet  and   Risk Summary....
  8. Ex-Post Reviews - Report Content

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Compliance Details   The Report Content contains a Recommendation Summary and Target Portfolio Summary.  When completed, they will appear on the report. The Objective Summary&...
  9. Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Review Screen The optimise button allows you to optimise multiple details. Investment Details tab Amend the term Select Central Investment Proposition or Whole of Market  Complete Mi...
  10. Ex-Post Reviews - Deterministic Forecast

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Stochastic Forecast The Deterministic Forecast tab includes Current Period Projection &  Next Period Projection. For further information on Ex-Post Reviews, see article Ex-Pos...