Updated Articles

  1. Can we include our regulatory statements on communications and reports?

    Within Configuration , under your Company Settings  you can enter Terms  &  Conditions  and  a Disclaimer. Th is text  will appear on reports and emails sent from  your  system.   ...
  2. Organisation Growth Rates

    Set default growth rates for your organisation for use in the research journeys. The growth rates set will be used as default values for deterministic projections for user defined holdings and when determining ceding schemes yields in Switching res...
  3. Company Settings - Company Information

    Company Information can be edited by clicking the pen icon next to each field. This information will pull through to any digital outputs to create: Once the changes the have been made, click ‘Save’ ...
  4. Our company logo is appearing too large on the report - why is this?

    The logo file you have uploaded is too large. You will need to update the logo size to approximately 150x150 (this will depend on the size/shape of the logo)
  5. Configuration

    The configuration tab is where you can view/amend your Company Information, Branding, Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer & a Risk Questionnaire Message. You can also view the Central Investment Strategy, add Special Deals and Discounts informati...
  6. Company Settings - Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer and Risk Questionnaire Message

    The Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer and Risk Questionnaire Message areas allow you to add your own wording which will appear on digital outputs. Edit by selecting the pen icon to the right of the field: Add in your Terms & Conditions t...
  7. Fund Lists - Exclude Funds

    Excluded Funds can be added through the View Excluded Funds button: Add funds to your excluded list by typing in the fund name or fund code (Citicode, Sedol, ISIN and MexID) Excluded funds will be excluded across all fund lists and whole...
  8. Fund Lists - Import

    Funds can be imported into Fund lists within the Fund Lists  tab: Click into the Fund list or create new: Click 'Fund Import' in the top right of the screen: Click 'Sample File' to download the template file: Op...
  9. Fund Lists

    The Fund Lists tab allows you to create one or more fund lists. Multiple Fund Lists can be active at one time and can be used on Central Investment Propositions. Create new Fund Lists through the New button: You can set the Fund List as Act...
  10. Fund Lists - Export

    To export a Fund List, click 'Export Fund List' in the top right of the screen: This will export your fund list to a csv file and can either be found in the download bar at the bottom of the screen, or within the Download folder: ...