Updated Articles

  1. User did not receive a password reset email

    Your email provider may be blocking the emails coming from Salesforce. Please see the article for further information -   https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000325381&type=1&mode=   ...
  2. Attitude to Risk Profiler 1-10

    Downloadable Synaptic Attitude to Risk Profiler for 1-10 with Capacity for Loss questions. Synaptic Attitude to Risk Profiler 1-10 with Capacity for Loss ...
  3. Attitude to Risk Profiler 1-5

    Downloadable Synaptic Attitude to Risk Profiler for 1-5 with Capacity for Loss questions. Synaptic Attitude to Risk Profiler - 1-5 with Capacity for Loss ...
  4. Metrics Methodology

    Metrics Methodology.pdf
  5. A2Risk Guide

    A2Risk Adviser Guide
  6. How to reset a users password

    As an Administrator, you are responsible for resetting users passwords in Synaptic Pathways. If you are not an administrator, you will not have the permission to do this. If you are an administrator and require and password reset, see article Admi...
  7. Password reset – I cannot bypass the security question, how can I gain access?

    If you have had your password reset and cannot bypass the security question, we will need to resolve this for you. Contact our Application Support Team on 0808 164 5463 Option 1 or email Support@synaptic.co.uk   ...
  8. How do I access Synaptic Pathways if I already use Salesforce?

    The application is available on the  Salesforce App Store  and can be downloaded for immediate use.   ...
  9. Can we update the text on the Attitude to Risk Questionnaire when sending to a client?

    Within Configuration , under your Company Settings  Risk Questionnaire Message , you can enter additional text  which will  appear   alongside  the standard  email  information when sending an Attitude t...
  10. What Attitude to Risk Questionnaires are available?

    The Attitude to Risk Questionnaire is provided by market leaders A2Risk and was developed in conjunction with Moody’s Analytics.   ...