Updated Articles

  1. Ex-Ante - Add Investment

    Once the Research has been created, you can start to add Investments to Research. See articles on how to create Research - Ex-Ante - Creating through the homepage , Ex-Ante - Creating in the Research tab or Ex-Ante - Creating research within a c...
  2. Ex-Ante - Editing Investment Details

    Edit wrapper Investment details through the Edit button: Make changes and Save Once saved, the results will recalculate: ...
  3. Ex-Ante - Adviser Fees

    Adviser Fees can be added/amended through the Fees  tab: If you have chosen to set Adviser Fees per Investment, the Add Fees Per Investment button will be enabled and fees will be greyed out. You will need to edit each investment in the ...
  4. Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Ex-Ante Statement

    The Ex-Ante Statement tab outlines a breakdown of all costs: The next tab to review is the Compliance Details.  See article  Ex-Ante - Basis of Illustration - Compliance Details ...
  5. Ex-Ante - Creating in the Research tab

    Research can be created directly from the Pathways homepage, through the Research tab and within a Contact record. To create an Ex-ante scenario in the Research tab, click into the tab from the Homepage: All existing research will be listed. Cl...
  6. Ex-Ante - Creating research within a client record

    Research can be created directly from the Pathways homepage, through the Research tab and within a Contact record. To create an Ex-ante scenario within a contact record, either: Search for the client in the top search bar: Alternatively, find ...
  7. Basis of Illustration - Ex-Ante Statement

    The Ex-Ante Statement tab outlines a breakdown of all costs: The next tab to review is the Compliance Details.  See article  Basis of Illustration - Compliance Details ...
  8. Basis of Illustration - Mark Wrapper as Reviewed

    Once all tabs have been reviewed and the Capacity for Loss statement has been completed, you can check the box next to the Investment: If this is the only investment, you can proceed to the Check-In stage. If you have multiple investments, y...
  9. Comparison & Ex-Ante Report

    In the Report  area, you will find a Report for each Investment on the left side of the screen: Click  View Report: When selecting the report, it will be highlighted green on the left. The report will load on the right side of the...
  10. Comparison & Ex-Ante - Research Report

    A Report can be created on the Research report: You can either view the report or download: ...