Updated Articles

  1. Can I delete a portfolio?

    You can delete the portfolio from the Portfolio screen: You can also delete from within the portfolio: If you have used the portfolio against a client activity (for e.g. an Illustration) you will be presented with the following message: ...
  2. Can I duplicate a portfolio?

    You will need to open the portfolio you would like to duplicate: Click Duplicate Portfolio in the top right corner: Complete the details of the new portfolio and Save If you would like to go straight into the portfolio you created, c...
  3. What is a Bespoke Portfolio?

    Bespoke Portfolios differ from Model Portfolios in Synaptic Pathways. Model Portfolios are used over multiple clients and Bespoke are used as a one off portfolio on a client by client basis.
  4. Is Cash included in the portfolio factsheet?

    Cash is not included in portfolio fact sheets and will not be reflected in the statistics and performance metrics. You will see an amber warning at the top of the fact sheet to explain the cash percentage within the portfolio: There will also b...
  5. There are different ticks next to the funds in my portfolio. What's the difference?

    When adding funds to a portfolio, there will either be a green tick, a blue 'Set' button or a blue tick icon. These indicate the following: The fund has asset allocation data The asset allocation has been supplied by the Provider as p...
  6. In-House Discretionary - Special Deals

    A Special Deal can be created under a Platform/Off-Platform product assigned to an In-House Discretionary Portfolio. Navigate to the Platforms & Products tab in the In-House Discretionary Portfolio: Click/maximise the product you would li...
  7. In-House Discretionary - Amending a Special Deal

    This article is a continuation of In-House Discretionary - Special Deals Once a Special Deal has been created against a product in an In-House Discretionary portfolio, you can amend the details if needed. Navigate into the portfolio and click in...
  8. In-House Discretionary - Historic Performance

    This article is a continuation of In-House Discretionary - Portfolio Factsheet Within the In-House Discretionary Portfolio, Historic Performance can be added: Historic unit prices can be added to the portfolio to record the performance before...
  9. In-House Discretionary - Portfolio Factsheet

    This article is a continuation of  In-House Discretionary - Platforms & Products The Portfolio Factsheet will show the following portfolio data: MiFID II Costs & Charges Portfolio Statistics Portfolio Cumulative Performance Fund ...
  10. In-House Discretionary - Platforms & Products

    This article is a continuation of In-House Discretionary - Asset Allocation In an In-House Discretionary Portfolio, you are able to add Platforms and Products that the product can be purchased through. Use the Search box to find available pla...