Updated Articles

  1.  Creating Special Deals - Provider Examples Video

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  2.  Creating Special Deals - Video

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  3.  Synaptic Pathways - Platform Holdings

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  4. Platform Holdings - Underlying Assets

    This article is a continuation of Platform Holdings - Holdings To add underlying assets to a holding, click into the Underlying Assets tab: Click New Complete the details of the asset. Either leave Underlying asset type to All  o...
  5. Off-Platform Holdings - Underlying Assets

    This article is a continuation of Creating an Off-Platform Holding . To add underlying assets to a holding, click into the Underlying Assets tab: Click New Complete the details of the asset. Either leave Underlying asset type to All&nb...
  6. Platform Holdings - Holding Report

    Navigate into the holding: To create a  Holding Report , click on the drop down arrow on the top right of the screen: Select Holding Report: Select sub-holdings to include in the report and choose to include Plan Factsheets. S...
  7.  Company Settings - Branding Video

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  8.  Synaptic Pathways Protection Credentials Video

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  9.  Synaptic Pathways Protection Video

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  10. Off-Platform Holdings - Holding Report

    Navigate into the holding: To create a  Holding Report , click on the drop down arrow on the top right of the screen: Select Holding Report: Choose to include Plan Factsheets and Submit: The report will include: Client...