Updated Articles

  1. Adding New Users

    To assign licences, you will have to be an admin user Navigate to Setup in the top right of the screen: Type 'users' in quick find box on the top left of the screen. In the Users list, select ‘Users’ If you would like...
  2. How to reset a users password

    As an Administrator, you are responsible for resetting users passwords in Synaptic Pathways. If you are not an administrator, you will not have the permission to do this. If you are an administrator and require and password reset, see article Admi...
  3. Setup - Attitude to Risk Questionnaire

    To send Attitude to Risk Questionnaires (ATRQ) direct to your clients to complete, you must set up a unique URL for your system.  The URL will be sent in an email to the client and will show in their browser, so you should choose a name that th...
  4. I've pinned a task to the navigation bar, how do I unpin it?

    If you have pinned a task to the navigation bar (as seen below) the drop down arrow will disappear. To remove a pinned task, go to the edit pen on the top right of the screen: Remove by clicking the cross next to the task: Click '...
  5. Fund Lists - Export

    To export a Fund List, click 'Export Fund List' in the top right of the screen: This will export your fund list to a csv file and can either be found in the download bar at the bottom of the screen, or within the Download folder: ...
  6. Fund Lists - Import

    Funds can be imported into Fund lists within the Fund Lists  tab: Click into the Fund list or create new: Click 'Fund Import' in the top right of the screen: Click 'Sample File' to download the template file: Op...
  7. Fund Lists - Exclude Funds

    Excluded Funds can be added through the View Excluded Funds button: Add funds to your excluded list by typing in the fund name or fund code (Citicode, Sedol, ISIN and MexID) Excluded funds will be excluded across all fund lists and whole...
  8. Fund Lists

    The Fund Lists tab allows you to create one or more fund lists. Multiple Fund Lists can be active at one time and can be used on Central Investment Propositions. Create new Fund Lists through the New button: You can set the Fund List as Act...
  9. Creating Special Deals

    To create a special deal in Synaptic Pathways, navigate to Configuration in the navigation bar: Click into Special Deals and Discounts , then  Special Deals : To create a special deal, click  New : Select whether you woul...
  10. Assets Under Management

    To add Assets Under Management details, navigate to  Configuration: Click into S pecial Deals and Discounts: Select Assets Under Management: Click into the pen icon next to the platform: Add in the value of total assets un...