Updated Articles

  1. Basis of Illustration - Deterministic Forecast

    The Deterministic Forecast tab allows you to review a deterministic graph, showing the Net Contributions , Overall Return and Return Without Fees  over the  Term of Investment.   Overall Growth %  & Overall Growth &p...
  2. Comparison & Ex-Ante - Research Report

    A Report can be created on the Research report: You can either view the report or download: ...
  3. Basis of Illustration - Stochastic Forecast

    This article is a continuation of Basis of Illustration - Results The Stochastic Forecast tab includes a Projection, Probability and Portfolio graph: The first column is based on the Target Strategic Asset Allocation . The second column is ...
  4. Basis of Illustration - Results

    The Basis of Illustration> Results  tab displays each investment separately. It outlines the following: Result Summary Investment Proposal Details  Investment Amounts Contributions & Withdrawals Custody Details Ad...
  5. Comparison & Ex-Ante - Select Platform/Custom Combination

    When you are ready to select the Platform or Platform and Off Platform combination, select the  +  next to the chosen product: Select Continue to Ex-Ante Illustration: This will take you through to the Basis of the Illustrati...
  6. Comparison & Ex-Ante - Switches/Trades

    Add switching information through the Switches/Trades tab.  The  Set Trades + button will become available once information is complete. Set Trades +  to apply to the Results: The button will be greyed out once applied. ...
  7. Comparison & Ex-Ante - Research Filtering

    Term When updating the term, click Update Results Filter Results by Provider Filter the results by selecting one or more providers in the drop down: Click back into the drop down to select multiple providers Filte...
  8. Comparison & Ex-Ante - Research Screen

    In the example below, we have added a Self Investment Personal Pension  as an investment. If you are unsure of how to add investments, see article Comparison with Ex-Ante - Add Investment for details. Multiple investments can be added th...
  9. Comparison & Ex-Ante - Editing Investment Details

    Edit wrapper Investment details through the Edit button: Make changes and Save Once saved, the results will recalculate: ...
  10. Comparison & Ex-Ante - Creating within a client record

    Research can be created directly from the Pathways homepage, through the Research tab and within a Contact record. To create a comparison with ex-ante scenario within a contact record, either: Search for the client in the top search bar: Alter...