Updated Articles

  1. Ex-Post Reviews - Suitability

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Deterministic Forecast The Suitability tab includes two Efficient Frontier Graphs. The first column is based on the Current - Investment Asset Allocation . The second column is based on the Pr...
  2. Ex-Post Reviews - Deterministic Forecast

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Stochastic Forecast The Deterministic Forecast tab includes Current - Deterministic Forecast of the Current Investment &  Proposal - Deterministic Forecast of the Proposed Investment....
  3. Ex-Post Reviews - Stochastic Forecast

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise The Stochastic Forecast tab includes a Projection, Probability and Portfolio graph: The first column is based on the Target Strategic Asset Allocation . The second column is based ...
  4. Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Edit The optimise button allows you to optimise the holding portfolio for the proposal. You are able to: Review the funds and current weightings to determine whether the portfolio should be u...
  5. Ex-Post Reviews - Edit

    This article is a continuation of  Ex-Post Reviews - Review Screen Once you have reviewed the previous and current Illustration, you are able to edit the details in the Proposal column. You are able to edit details of: Policy Details Inve...
  6. Ex-Post Reviews - Review Screen

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews When the review has been created, you will be taken to the Review screen: The screen is split into Previous, Current and Proposal: Click the edit pen to select Investment Snapshot: ...
  7. Switching - Report

    This article is a continuation of Switching - Fees Once you have reviewed the results and selected a platform/off platform option, create a Report. View the report: The report can be downloaded: ...
  8. Switching - Fees

    This article is a continuation of  Switching - Switches/Trades Add Fees in the Target Scheme area at the top of the screen: Add the fee information and Update Results The added fees will now be reflected on the results screen. ...
  9. Switching - Switches/Trades

    This article is a continuation of  Switching - Results Screen Add Switches/Trades under the Target Scheme at the top of the screen: Add the details and Update Results The results will reflect the updated Switches/Trades. For furt...
  10. Switching - Results Screen

    This article is a continuation of  Switching - Add Target Scheme Once the Target Scheme has been added, the results screen will display the Target Scheme information at the top of the screen. The cheapest option will automatically be sele...