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  1. Risk Illustrations - Compliance Details

    The Compliance Details tab includes the Capacity for Loss Statement , Investment Forecast Details by Year ,  Forecast Fees Summary ,  Risk Summary and Portfolio Factsheet. The Capacity for Loss statement populates based on how...
  2. Risk Illustrations - Report Content

    The Report Content tab allows you to amend the Capacity for Loss Supporting Statement , enter a Recommendation Summary  and Target Portfolio Summary. They will pull through to the Report : Capacity for Loss Supporting Statement: ...
  3. Why do I need to complete a new Attitude to Risk Questionnaire after the update?

    A new Attitude to Risk Questionnaire will need to be completed before it can be used on an Illustration. Changes to the latest Investment Strategy requires you to set a new default risk rating for your client. All previous default risk ratings have ...
  4. Setting Attitude to Risk Manually

    To create an attitude to risk questionnaire, create a new contact or find an existing contact record. In this example, I will search for a contact called ‘Test Client 1’: This will load up their contact record: To create an atti...
  5. Risk Illustrations - Suitability

    The Suitability tab includes a Suitability Statement & an Efficient Frontier graph: The Suitability Statement includes the minimum appropriate term for the investment horizon, term & risk category: The Efficient Frontier shows how th...
  6. Risk Illustrations - Results + Costs

    The Results + Costs button will display the forecasted return based on the criteria entered and the overall suitability of the illustration plan to meet the objective.  The Results include costs: ...
  7. Risk Illustrations - Results + Inflation

    The Results + Inflation tab, will display the forecasted return based on the criteria entered and the overall suitability of the illustration plan to meet the objective.  The Results include Inflation: ...
  8. Risk Illustrations - Results + Costs & Inflation

    The Results + Costs & Inflation tab, will display the forecasted return based on the criteria entered and the overall suitability of the illustration plan to meet the objective.  The Results include Costs & Inflation: ...
  9. Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Illustration Settings

    Here you can change details of your illustration scenario for e.g. Investment details & Portfolio. Please note: Changing anything in the Advanced Options tab> Illustration Settings will change your scenario. Use the ‘What If’ are...
  10. Risk Illustrations - Advanced Options - Sustainable Drawdown

    This article is a continuation of article - Illustrations - Edit Outcome - 'What If' Scenario The Sustainable Drawdown filter allows you to see the longevity of the investment, using the following information: Retirement Age Retirement...