Popular Articles

  1. What fund graphs can I find on Synaptic Research?

    Synaptic Research provides a wide range of fund graphs, see below.  (Please note that firms who have only subscribed to Synaptic Research’s product module only have access to the annual performance graph.) Cumulative performa...
  2. Product Comparison Results Screen

    When you are ready to progress to the results screen with your selected portfolio, then select the continue button which can be found in the summary box at the top of the page. This shows how many providers are available for comparison given the ...
  3. How to create users in Synaptic Comparator

    Select Setup  from the left hand menu and then Organisation Structure: Your company name will then be displayed on the left hand side, click on the company name and any existing users will appear in the right hand column with the...
  4. Fund Universe

    From here you can have a ‘read only’ view of whether you have a restricted list of funds within the software. If this is set to ‘inclusion’ mode, the funds on screen will be the only funds available for you to use in the app...
  5. Setting up adviser charges

    Select Setup  from the menu on the left hand side and then Adviser Charges: A page to record adviser charges will be displayed.  There are two tabs at the top of the page, one for Platform  and one for Off Platform  pro...
  6. How is the annual performance graph calculated?

    The annual performance graph shows the fund’s performance in each discrete 12-month period to date. It is similar to the graph which is included in fund factsheets, and meets the FCA’s requirements for fund advertising (though this regul...
  7. What is the difference between Portfolio/Panel

    A portfolio has a ‘weighting’ in each fund and as such the portfolio will have an asset allocation and portfolio factsheets can be produced. A panel has no ‘weightings’ and therefore is just a list of funds. You would use a ...
  8. Routes through the system

    Analyser has been designed to allow you to quickly access the areas of the tool that you require. As a result, there are two main routes through the system. They are: Income analysis – This route allows you to go through the income analysis...
  9. Why do one (or more) providers not return quotes for me on Webline?

    How to check your Webline settings if there are no quote response
  10. What are the different types of fund research?

    Synaptic Research provides four types of fund research:  Research into unit trusts, life funds, pension funds, and offshore funds and investment trusts. Research into all the funds offered by a single promoter (such as Fidelity or Merrill Ly...