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  1. Changing the default report look and feel

    Click on Setup  from the left hand menu: Click Report Features in the Synaptic Comparator section: You will then be taken to the Report Features menu: You can now set which fact sheets should appear by...
  2. What products do you have on Synaptic Research?

    Synaptic Research covers all the life, pension and investment products which can be sold by independent financial advisers in the UK. The standard data available through the system is as follows, and is subject to frequent change in the light of in...
  3. How do I create a comparison report?

    The Comparison link on the menu bar of the filtering page shows every single field about the contracts remaining in the research grid. For example, it can be used to generate complete comparisons of a specific group of contracts (e.g. competitor ana...
  4. How do I create preset criteria?

    Preset criteria can be created using the Preset criteria link on the menu bar of the home page. This displays the screen illustrated by the screenshot to the below. Presets can be created either at product-type level, applying to all sub-types...
  5. How to generate Fund factsheets

    In certain parts of Synaptic Comparator, you have the ability to view the factsheets of any funds you are working with. To view a factsheet, click the factsheets icon in the top menu: A new menu will appear: You have up to three op...
  6. When running through a Phased scenario, why am I only able to make changes to the summary details in the phased drawdown screen and not within the final results?

    The edit buttons within the summary area are greyed out because if any changes were to be made in the final results, it would affect the details of the first phased period. It is best to fine tune the details within the first phased period first, be...
  7.  Introduction to organisation structure

    This video will take you through your licence details, creating new users and settings All information contained within this video is fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Your browser does not supp...
  8. I have amended adviser fees in Comparator, but the fees haven’t changed? Why is this?

    Within Comparator Setup , you can set up adviser fees for both on and off platform products. If you have set up adviser fees for only one or the other and then select the other option as the final selection, the adviser fees may not have been taken...
  9. How are the ranking graphs calculated?

    Once you have defined your ranking scheme, and clicked on Calculate, the system displays the resulting league table as illustrated by the screenshot below. This consists of a tab showing the overall scores for each contract, and then a separate tab...
  10. What fund graphs can I find on Synaptic Research?

    Synaptic Research provides a wide range of fund graphs, see below.  (Please note that firms who have only subscribed to Synaptic Research’s product module only have access to the annual performance graph.) Cumulative performa...