Popular Articles

  1. Can I record notes on research?

    You can record notes about your research to remind you of key points, or to act as a to-do list. The note entry form is displayed as an extra tab above the list of fields, and is illustrated by the first screenshot below. You simply ente...
  2. Why is cash account under investment details greyed out?

    Cash account section in investment details will be greyed out until 'Cash Account' feature is selected from the platform features tab on the left hand side. This will then allow you to select from the three options - provider set default opt...
  3. Understanding Icons

    There are also a number of symbols which dictate different actions you are allowed to carry out within the software:  Lock symbol – to stop a particular piece of information changing unless you have the correct permissions to unlock the...
  4. Application Tabs

    There are 7 tabs at the top of the screen that you can choose from: Clients - where you can add or retrieve client details. Risk rating -  Risk rated funds and portfolios Modeller  - an investment planning and risk profiling tool. ...
  5. How do I navigate the software?

    Synaptic Research behaves like a normal web site – you can use your browsers Back , Forwards , and Refresh buttons in the usual way. All pages have the same general layout: There is an icon in the top left corner (...
  6. Do I need to configure my browser to use Synaptic Research?

    Synaptic Research should normally not require you to make any changes to your browser configuration. For example, it should be possible to go into pretty much any internet cafe, type in the software’s URL, and start using it. There are no com...
  7. Can you edit Suitability reports?

    Synaptic Research can be used to generate anything from single-page summaries of research to full multi-page suitability reports which cover all regulatory requirements such as affordability, reviews, and attitude to risk. If your firm has pur...
  8.  Creating Holdings

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. This video will explain all holding types, creating platforms, plans and generating policy reports. All information contained within this video is fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, livin...
  9. How can I create market research?

    Synaptic Research can be used for any number of generic research purposes, as well as for providing advice to clients: Build spreadsheet-style grids of data which can be filtered and sorted near-instantly regardless of their size. Compare specifi...
  10. I am doing ISA research and have to specify GIA amount – why is this?

    If as part of your client’s criteria, you want to include Unit Trusts / OEICs or Investment Trusts into the feature selection, GIA specific amount becomes mandatory to be filled in. The reason for this is that you have selected Unit Trusts / O...