Popular Articles

  1. How do I reset a users password?

    Any user passwords can be reset by highlighting the user and clicking on the reset password  button on the ribbon bar. New password can then be entered. Click Change Password to complete the process. This will immediately cha...
  2. Filtering Screen

    The filtering navigation detailed on the left hand side. From here you can carry out: Portfolio/Fund selection – This tab is where you select the fund/portfolio to use, add a new fund/portfolio or use a generic fund for the product compa...
  3. How do I update my Product & Fund research password in the Synaptic Suite?

    To access Synaptic Product & Fund Research through the Synaptic Suite, you will need to add your username and password with the Product & Fund tab . Navigate to www.synaptic.co.uk . To logon onto the Synaptic Suite, click on the ico...
  4. Re-opening old research

    All research which you carry out in Synaptic Research is automatically stored. You don’t have to click on any sort of save button to store your work. (And, if you lose your connection to the internet halfway through your research, you won&rs...
  5.  Synaptic Analyser - Other Income

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. This video will take you through adding income sources within the client module. All information contained within this video is fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely c...
  6. How to resume unfinished research?

    To resume a piece of unfinished research, click Contacts from the left hand menu. Click on the name of the contact in the Contacts panel, any research done on the client will then show in the Activities panel: Marks incomplete resea...
  7. Logging into Synaptic Analyser

    Synaptic Analyser is a web-based system accessed from most devices that have an internet connection. Access is via the Synaptic Software Limited website. Enter the following website into your internet browser: www.synaptic.co.uk , scroll down the ...
  8. Knowledgebase

    You have the availability of the Help  button, as shown in the screen below: There are three options in the drop down menu: About  has links to various sites including Synaptic Software and the knowledgebase. Technical ...
  9. I have completed the research, but the final report is not loading – why is this?

    Check that your browser allows pop-ups from Comparator. Sometimes the pop-up blocker can prevent the final report from loading.
  10. Can I change the administrative password for our account?

    When your firm subscribes to Synaptic Research you will be given an administrative user account for modifying your firm’s details. We recommend that you change the password on this account as soon as possible. You simply log in as the adminis...