Popular Articles

  1. How do I sign out?

    You should sign out of the software via this tab as shown below:   ...
  2. Are there any tips when using fund research?

    Synaptic Research obviously responds faster if there are fewer funds which it needs to display in the grid. Therefore, wherever possible, it’s best to set up filtering, using the Features and Stats tabs, before you add funds to...
  3. Can I create new research based on existing research?

    You can use old research as a template for starting new research. There are two slightly different ways of doing this: creating a copy of the old research, and importing the old research into new research. Copying old research You can create a c...
  4. How do I update my Webline password in the Synaptic Suite?

    To access Synaptic Webline through the Synaptic Suite, you will need to add your username and password with the Webline tab. Navigate to www.synaptic.co.uk . To logon onto the Synaptic Suite, click on the icon below: Enter your logon...
  5. How do I find a user?

    It is also possible to find a user by clicking on the find user button in the ribbon bar. The administrator will then need to search on either the username or other details and click Search . This will return a list of all users ...
  6. Are you able to upload your own logos for the report?

    Unfortunately you cannot upload your own logos for the report
  7. How is the sector position graph calculated?

    N.B. When inspecting multiple funds, this graph is only available if all funds are in the same ABI/IMA sector. The sector position graph shows a fund’s performance in each discrete 12-month period versus the spread of returns in its sec...
  8. Can I flip the grid in the filtering screen?

    N.B.  Flipping the grid only applies to product research. It is not available on fund research. When you are dealing with a small number of contracts, and a large number of data fields, it can be easier to view the grid in a “flipped&rd...
  9. When are ISA rates updated for Comparator?

    The ISA rates are updated in Comparator ready for the beginning of the UK tax year (the 6 th of April) each year.
  10. What are the differences between product-focused and client-focused research?

    As described above, client-focused research is where you enter client details and (depending on the type of product) details of policy benefits/contributions. Product-focused research is where you simply skip this information, in order to carry out ...