Popular Articles

  1. How is the cumulative performance graph calculated?

    The cumulative graph shows the performance of a £1,000 lump sum investment over the chosen time period. (If you want to graph a value other than £1,000, use the portfolio value graph instead.) You can change the time period, and choo...
  2. How do I setup Modeller Journey Override and Fund Based Journey?

    The first thing the user needs to do to initiate the set up for their Fund Based Journey is to access the settings tab from the Synaptic Welcome screen. Select the Organisations and Users  option from the drop down menu, they will be taken to...
  3. Why do I get an error message when adding cash account feature?

    Cash account in investment details allows the user to add cash in three different ways; default setting determined by the provider, pound amount added by the user or % amount of the total investment. If you have selected to add a pound amount, check...
  4. Introduction to filtering

    The Filtering screen is the first stage of every piece of research performed in Synaptic Research. On the right hand side of the screen it will display all the contracts for the type of product being researched. On the left hand side it shows all th...
  5. How do I filter on sectors?

    The Sectors tab shows all the sectors in which any of the contracts offers a linked fund.  The software offers a choice of two sectors definitions, FE or IMA/ABI/AIC. The latter provides the well-known but less detailed sector definitions. F...
  6. Basic hints and tips

    Six simple tips to help you navigate around Synaptic Research: The icon in the top left corner of each page always acts as a link back to the software’s home page (illustrated by 1 in the screenshot to the right). The most commonly-used ...
  7. Can I give users the ability to create preset criteria?

    Preset criteria can only be created by designated users. There are two applicable settings in the details for a user account: Allow this user to create preset criteria for the whole firm. Allow this user to create personal preset criteria. ...
  8. How do I select a Product Area to Research?

    The Synaptic Research home page provides access to a number of areas. The software will always open on the Home  tab, containing news about products, companies and information on Synaptic products and training. The following seven tabs will gi...
  9. How do I filter on features?

    The Features tab shows Synaptic’s analysis of all the features offered by any of the contracts being researched. You mark a feature as being essential for the client’s requirements simply by ticking the box next to the feature&rsqu...
  10. Are the state pension calculations triple locked?

    Yes - the state pension calculations are triple locked