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  1. How do I save results from the fund picker and include it in reports?

    The results of   the Fund Picker – i.e. your chosen selection of funds – must be saved using   the Save list button which is highlighted in the screenshot below. The   list of selected funds is then included in any ...
  2. What data is within contract factsheets?

    A contract factsheet shows all the information which Synaptic records about a contract. It consists of some or all of the following sections – some sections are not applicable to some types of product. Special   offer Any special of...
  3. Where can I find the organisation and users area?

    In order to gain access to this screen you will need to select the settings drop down menu and click on organisations and users. This will take the you to the Organisation structure under Setup . If you have a Comparator or Illustrator li...
  4. Can I override the Forecast Life Expectancy?

    Yes - The Forecast Life Expectancy field will automatically calculate using ONS statistics. This will use the clients date of birth and gender to calculate their forecast life expectancy. This field is required, but can be overwritten.
  5. Where can I find platform factsheets?

    If you right click on any provider logo on Comparator, you can access platform factsheets. This will show all the Y/N features data, as well as policy conditions section for more detailed responses.     ...
  6. How are funds ranked?

    Fund research can be ranked in the same way as product research: you click on the Ranking link in the menu bar of the grid page, and then define a ranking scheme. This is effectively a sophisticated “weighted sort”: you can build...
  7. How is the portfolio value graph calculated?

    The portfolio value graph can be used for a projection of two things: either the performance of a hypothetical portfolio starting n years ago, or the historical performance of a current portfolio given its current holdings. You specify the am...
  8. What are the differences between Client Focused and Product Focused Research?

    'Client Focused' research is where you enter the client details and (depending on the type of product) details of the policy benefits/contributions. 'Product Focused' research is where you simply skip this information, in order to ca...
  9. Can I display factsheets from the data grid?

    The data grid provides quick access to factsheets about companies and individual contracts: Click on a company name in the grid for a company factsheet. Click on a contract name for a contract factsheet. In addition, you can right-click on the ...
  10. How do I add Income Sources?

    The incomes sources section on the left hand pane is where you can input the entire clients other income sources that they have currently or know that they will be receiving at a future point in time. This information can be used as part of the Anal...