Popular Articles

  1. Can I generate multiple fund factsheets and graphs?

    You can generate a factsheet for a single fund by clicking on its name in the grid. You can create a graph for the fund by right-clicking over the name and choosing Graph from the pop-up menu (or by opening the fund factsheet, and then choosing th...
  2. How can I filter on Past Performance?

    The Past Performance ( PP) tab shows the same list of sectors as the Sectors tab. Note - the sector classification shown on the PP  tab will follow the sector classification choice made on the Sectors  tab. If no sector clas...
  3. What are the differences between fund research and product research?

    It may be useful to note the following minor differences between product and fund research – facilities which work differently, or which are not available on fund research: A grid of fund research cannot be flipped. It can only be displayed ...
  4. What can someone in a Corporate User role see and do?

    This role is for Providers use only and controls the special deals functionality in Comparator/Illustrator. Only a Synaptic Software Limited system administrator can assign a corporate licence.
  5. What is the difference between Report Manager Suitability reports and Quick reports?

    Report Manager Suitability report templates create documents which are downloaded for editing on your computer, in Microsoft Word or similar software. They have two advantages over Quick Reports: You have access to full word-processing function...
  6. Can I send research to other users?

    You can send your research to another user of the system. This is designed to cover three main scenarios: Advisers submitting research to a compliance officer. Paraplanners exchanging work with their advisers. Communication between me...
  7. How is the monthly premium graph calculated?

    The monthly premium graph shows the performance of a £100 monthly investment into the fund(s) over the chosen time period. One of its uses is to demonstrate to clients the potential benefits of pound-cost averaging. Performance will obviou...
  8. Ranking contracts

    The filtering process above describes how to research a product type, and eliminate any contracts which do not meet a client’s requirements. At the end of that stage the whole-of-market is reduced to those contracts which are capable of fulfil...
  9. How do I filter on field values in the grid?

    When you have added a data column to the grid you can then filter the grid by clicking on values in the column. For example, in the first screenshot, clicking on the highlighted “Yes” value (or any of the other Yes values below it) would...
  10. Can I distribute personal presets across the firm?

    As described above, we recommend that presets are initially created in personal mode, so that they only apply to you. You then distribute the presets across your firm once you have finished editing them. You can do this by clicking on the  Cha...