Popular Articles

  1. Phased Drawdown - Adding Plans

    The plan name dropdown allows you to select a plan that has been previously input in the clients holding screen, alternatively you can input a new plan by choosing ‘Add new plan’ from the dropdown choices.  You can add as many p...
  2.  Top Tip - Critical Illness Table

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Use the Critical Illness table in Webline to check which providers cover specific conditions and any notes the provider has supplied. ...
  3. Change Company Name/Contact Details

    The details here are attached to any application that is downloaded from your consumer-facing website so it is important that these are correct. Note, that you may include a company trading name (useful if you have a website which you operate under...
  4.  Top Tip - Paper Attitude to Risk Questionnaire

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Quickly download, print and complete the Attitude to Risk Profiler with your client and tally up their risk rating with the Attitude to Risk Scoring Method. ...
  5. Help

    The Help tab on the top right of the screen, provides you with access to the KnowledgeBase, Documents, Terms and Conditions for Webline and the Cookie Policy. ...
  6. Phased Drawdown - Other Income

    Other income gives you the opportunity to add details of any other income sources that you would like the system to take into consideration when determining how to meet the income profile along with calculating the tax liability for the scenario. Fo...
  7. Finding Quotes

    All pieces of work are automatically saved when working through Webline.  If you wish to recall a quote which you did previously, click on the Find  button at the top left of the screen.  Find becomes highlighted and a small Search b...
  8. Phased Drawdown - Add Annuity

    Upon continuing, if there are any Uncrystallised funds remaining, then an annuity comparison can be obtained with the Uncrystallised funds. If no funds remain, then the annuity page will be skipped.  To add an annuity income into the results f...
  9. Creating a Trial - New Customers

    This article is for new Salesforce users. If you are an existing Salesforce user, see article - Creating a Trial - Existing Salesforce Customers You can create a new trial through our website. Go to www.synaptic.co.uk/trial Enter details you ...
  10. Application Tabs

    There are 7 tabs at the top of the screen that you can choose from: Clients - where you can add or retrieve client details. Modeller  - an investment planning and risk profiling tool. Comparator  - a quantitative and qualitative on ...