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  1. Quick Quote Annuities on Webline

    Quick Quote Annuities on Webline 27 September 2019 When the FCA published its Retirement Outcomes Review – PS19/1 Quotes Annuities Requirements, it set...
  2.  Top Tip - Attitude to Risk Questionnaire

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Automatically calculate your client's attitude to risk and generate a report in seconds.  ...
  3. Why am I unable to run a Phased Drawdown scenario directly through the Results screen?

    Phased Drawdown has been added as another step to complete in the step-by-step process, giving you a workable results screen for the first phase of drawdown. Dependent on how you complete the details in the first phase, this will dictate how the res...
  4. Applying

    In the example below, two different products have been selected for purchase, as indicated by the number “2” in the oval icon next to “Apply”. By clicking in the Apply area on the left, it becomes highlighted, and the sum...
  5.  Synaptic Webline Protection - User Interface Improvements

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. This video will take you through the Webline Protection journey, showcasing the new and improved user interface. Please note: Our Support Team number has updated to 0808 164 5463 Option 1 ...
  6.  Top Tip - Using your client's Attitude to Risk to select a Portfolio or Fund

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Learn how to manually set your client’s Attitude to Risk after completing the paper questionnaire, use this to select a fund/portfolio within the Risk Rating area of the suite. ...
  7. Logging into Webline

    Webline can be accessed via the Synaptic Software Limited website.  Go to the Synaptic website – www.synaptic.co.uk   and scroll down the screen until you find the ‘log in’ option. Click on Synaptic. This will take ...
  8. Evidence of Research

    Once a piece of research has been conducted, there will be a need for this to be evidenced.  Keeping a copy of the Illustration will evidence the solution chosen, but not why it has been chosen. A report can be printed once a piece of research...
  9. Password Reset

    If you would like to reset your Synaptic Webline password, you will need to do the following: Complete your Webline number and Username & click 'Send' This will send a password request through to your email address. Click the...
  10.  Risk Rated Holdings

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...