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  1. Synaptic Comparator Setup Quick Start Guide - Download

    Click here to download Synaptic Comparator Setup Quick Start Guide
  2.  Getting Started - Creating Holdings

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. All information contained within this video is fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. ...
  3. Synaptic Analyser User Guide

    Synaptic Analyser User Guide.pdf
  4. Synaptic Risk Rating User Guide

    Synaptic Risk Rating User Guide.pdf
  5.  Introduction to provider special deals

    This video will explain how to setup your special deals with Providers. All information contained within this video is fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Your browser does not support HTML5 video...
  6. Application Tabs

    There are 9 tabs at the top of the screen that you can choose from: Clients - where you can add or retrieve client details. Risk rating -  Risk rated funds and portfolios Modeller  - an investment planning and risk profiling tool. ...
  7. Client Attitude to Risk Report

    You can also produce a report for your client’s Attitude to Risk by selecting the Report button as indicated below.  The report will display your client’s chosen answers to the risk questionnaire and explain what the q...
  8.  Setting up service levels and adviser fees

    This video will take you through setting up your servicing propositions and adviser fees. All information contained within this video is fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Your browser does not s...
  9. How do I create a Portfolio?

    A portfolio is simply a manual fund list for which you have defined holdings – e.g. that 20% of the client’s money is invested in fund A, 30% in fund B, and 50% in fund C. You set these values using the Portfolio link on the me...
  10. Can’t find a fund?

    If you are unable to find a fund within Comparator, It could be for the following reasons: Parent/Child Toggle It could be that you have selected a child fund, which would not be returned if you have the default parent toggle selected. Change th...