Popular Articles

  1. Setting the Default Attitude to Risk

    The client's default attitude to risk can be recorded when you add the client to Modeller, however this is not a mandatory area. The default attitude to risk can be used with the client's goals, or a different attitude to risk can be alloca...
  2. Can I quote joint life insurance on Webline, which pays out on second death?

    You can quote on joint life on a last survivor basis for a whole of life policy. When you have filled in client A and client B details, you need to select the 'cover basis' to be 'joint last survivor' as shown in the screen shot belo...
  3.  Getting started with projection calculator

    This video will take you through the Projection calculator, which will allow you to calculate maturity values when they have not been supplied. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  4. Creating New Clients

    Those fields marked with a * are the minimum required to complete the process, however if you want to use the client throughout all the applications in the suite then it is recommended that you complete all the Personal Details fields. An e...
  5. Finding an Existing Client

    If a client has already been saved in Modeller, they can be retrieved using the Search Clients field below the main tabs bar. Start by typing in the forename or surname of the client who needs to be found: The clients that match your sear...
  6. Can I change a users details and password?

    You can view your user details and change your password by going to the home page and clicking on your name in the menu bar. You can then change your password by using the Change your password  link in the menu bar of the account-details page....
  7. Custom Asset Types

    From here you can have a ‘read only’ view of the custom asset types created at your organisation or inherited from your parent organisation. An asset type must exist before you can create an asset of this type for a client. You need t...
  8. How do I create an Accumulation Goal?

    You have the ability to create Accumulation Goals for a client, this is for use within Modeller which is an Investment Planning and Risk Profiling tool. For full details regarding Modeller please refer to the Synaptic Modeller User Guide. The ...
  9. Help and Support

    The administrator has the availability of the Help  button, as shown in the screen below: There are 3 options in the drop down menu: About  has links to various sites including Synaptic Software Limited and Financial Exp...
  10. How do I add funds to a Manual Fund List?

    If you wish to enter the funds manually, select “Manual Fund List” from the dropdown menu and then click the add  button to open the fund search screen where you can add funds individually or select existing portfolios or fund pane...