Popular Articles

  1. How do I manually exclude contracts?

    As well as (or instead of) filtering the grid of contracts, you can also manually select contracts to be excluded. Note  - Manual exclusion only applies to product research. It is not available on fund research. You can specify the contracts...
  2. What are the AIC sector changes for Investment Trusts?

    The Association of Investment Companies (AIC) has conducted a comprehensive sector review resulting in the creation of 14 new sectors and removal of 8 existing sectors.  Investment Trusts previously listed in sectors which have been removed hav...
  3. Requesting Quotes - Standalone Products

    Select the product(s) to be quoted on.  Click into the box at the far right of the line to select the product. When a product type is selected a counter will be displayed allowing you to enter the number of quotes required for each product t...
  4. Grouped Results View

    Within the Results screen, you are able to see products grouped together by provider: This allows you to compare all of a provider’s products against each other. Select ‘See more products from’ to maximise this view: You ca...
  5. Results - Selecting the Product

    Once all the available quotes are available to you, you can view more information on any of the individual quotes by using the Info  column.: Here you can view the variation, documents, notes and commission for the individual quote: Fo...
  6. Homepage

    See below for key areas on the Synaptic Pathways Homepage: ...
  7. Risk Rated Holdings within the Client Module

    We have introduced the ability to risk rate your client's holdings within the Synaptic Suite. When within the Holding screen, you can select the button 'Risk Rate Holdings'. This will work through all your client holdings to calculate t...
  8. Requesting Quotes - Family Income Benefit

    The next example shows a Family Income Benefit quote – in this case, you must enter the annual death benefit amount that’s being requested (whole number of pounds).  If the quote is to include CIC, enter as shown previously in t...
  9. Requesting Quotes - Decreasing Term Assurance

    In this screen, a Decreasing Term quote has been selected, which will be denoted by the grey highlight on the left side.  For this quote a mortgage interest rate must be entered – note that this figure must be a whole number (decimals...
  10. Results - Multi Benefit

    If you are producing a Multi Benefit Quotation for different products, once you have completed all of the quote input pages, the results for all the quotes will be obtained and become available in the Results section as shown below. In this examp...