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  1.  Integrating Synaptic Webline Play, Quote & Apply

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  2. Verifying your email address

    If there is no email address recorded within your account details, you will be prompted to verify your details when logging in. We have added this feature to help with any future password resets, as your password reset request will be emailed to yo...
  3. Why have I not received a password reset email?

    There could be a few reasons why you have not received a password reset email: Have you entered the correct Webline number and username? Have you checked your junk folder? Your email address may not be within your user details (you should have s...
  4.  Webline Settings - Agency Codes

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. In this video we show you how to add your Agency codes into the Settings> Vendor Account> Agency Codes area. ...
  5. Are there any tips when filtering?

    You can see everything you’re currently filtering on – and why specific contracts are being excluded – using the audit trail. If you make a recommendation to a client which they turn down – e.g. that they need waiver o...
  6. View All Users

    Clicking the " View All Users " link shows a table of all users registered for that firm (including any that may have been set as disabled for any reason).  The first column shows the user name – the admi...
  7. Account Details

    Use this screen to view a summary of your account details including contact name, email and company address. ...
  8. Agency Codes

    For certain providers, you must enter your agency codes to receive quotes. It is good practice however to enter all of them when setting up Webline.  Selecting Agency Codes will display a table listing all the providers. ...
  9. Why is a Provider in the results screen, but not appearing in the Comparison Report?

    When creating an Income Protection quote, Comparison reports are created once for each selected deferment period. For e.g. If a provider returns one deferment period for 13 weeks and does not support the 1 day deferment, they will only show on the 1...
  10. Multi Benefit Products - Income Protection

    When obtaining an Income Protection  quotation, the following screen will appear:  You can make your selection from these options, please note when selecting the Deferment period,  only one period can be selected per quotation. ...