Popular Articles

  1. Multi Benefit Products - Critical Illness Cover

    Within the Level Term Assurance, Decreasing Term assurance and Family Income Protection  quotations there is an option for Critical Illness Cover  as shown in the following screen. Select Critical Illness Options: You can then ...
  2. Multi Benefit Products - Product Details & Quick Commission

    A separate screen is available for each of the benefit type selected. Each part of the Multi Benefit quote has its own form and the quote will only be requested when all of the parts have been filled in. It is possible to fill in the forms in an...
  3. How to grant access to Support

    If you need our Support Team to look at an issue within your system, your System Administrator can grant access for a set period of time. Click on the ‘Astro’ logo at top right & click on ‘Settings’ From the menu bar...
  4. Risk Rated Holdings within Modeller

    Once your holdings have been risk rated, you are able to view this information within the Modeller journey. When adding the holdings to the goal, you can see the risk rating against each holding: Once you have completed the 10k screen, you are ...
  5. How do I filter on Statistics?

    The Stats  tab lists a variety of statistics about contracts - financial strength, investment flexibility in terms of linked funds and sectors, plus charges and premium information about contracts (all dependent on the type of product). For ex...
  6.  Synaptic Webline - Detailed Annuities

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  7. Logging out of Webline

    To log out of the system, click on your name at the top right of the screen and select Sign Out. Your details cannot be changed from this area. Please contact the support team to request any changes on 0808 164 5463 Option 1. ...
  8. Creating Quotes - Annuities

    There are two types of annuity quotes available on Webline: ‘Detailed quote’ will create a more precise quote for the client, as it takes into consideration any medical history and the type of contract the pension fund is coming from ...
  9. Risk Rated Holdings within Modeller

    Once your holdings have been risk rated, you are able to view this information within the Modeller journey. When adding the holdings to the goal, you can see the risk rating against each holding: Once you have completed the 10k screen, you are ...
  10. Multi Benefit Products - Family Income Protection

    If a quotation for Family Income Protection  is selected the following screen will appear: Critical Illness options can be selected under Cover Type The User can make their selection from these options. ...