Popular Articles

  1.  Funds from a specific promoter and specific contract

    This video provides a walkthrough of how to conduct research using a specific fund promoter or by selecting funds linked to a specific contract. All information contained within this video is fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or d...
  2. Can I delete users?

    User accounts can be deleted by opening the account, and then clicking on the Delete user  link in the menu bar. Please note that accounts can be disabled – via the  Account Settings section of the user details – as well as ...
  3. How do the calculations work in Modeller?

    Stochastic projections are used as a way to estimate the probability of future outcomes. These figures are calculated by considering various inputs (namely cash flow and asset allocation) before running 1000 different economic scenarios. This proces...
  4. I get a warning message ‘no response’ on Webline – why is this?

    How to check your agency code if Webline gives you a warning message 'no response'
  5. Fund Management

    Fund Management is used to either exclude funds from the system, or to limit the amount of funds available. To access Fund Management: From the Contacts  screen, click on Setup and then choose Fund Panel : Once in Fund Panel , you...
  6. Scenario Modelling Report

    There will be a number of questions to answer before being able to produce the report, it can include a manual ATR reason and a closing statement if required: Once done, use the Next button to produce the report: The report opens in a sepa...
  7. What information is in the fund factsheets?

    Fund factsheets show four types of information about a fund: Basic details such as management group, sector, and fund size. Past performance, including derived functions of past performance such as quartile rankings, alpha FE Crown ratings. Ass...
  8. Licencing

    Administrator licence holders have been given a number of licences to give to users at the organisation by your parent organisation. There are several licence types that control which parts of the system and which applications particular users hav...
  9.  Setting up assets, panel and reports

    This video will take you through setting up your assets under management information and panel management details. All information contained within this video is fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. ...
  10. Portfolio Management

    There are two ways to create portfolios, either during research or prior to research. When creating a portfolio prior to doing research, navigate to Setup  and then Portfolio Builder .   To create a new portfolio here, clic...