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  1. Finding Existing Goals

    Once a goal has been added and modelled it can be located at a later date by finding the client and clicking on Goals within the client’s record: Once this has been clicked, a list of all the Goals recorded for this client will be displaye...
  2. How do I add Manual Asset Classes?

    If you select the Manual Asset Class List  option, as shown below: The following screens will allow you to add  in Asset Classes. Select from the list of asset classes configured in the system as shown below: Then add i...
  3. Can I create an audit trail?

    The audit trail records all the contracts and criteria that has been selected. It clearly shows what contracts have been excluded and what criteria selected excluded them. The audit trail is only available in the Filtering screen and can be access ...
  4.  Getting started with cost and charges calculator

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  5. Overview of the research process

    As described in the overview, Synaptic’s core research process is as follows: Choose the type of product to research. Enter client details , and any benefits/contributions which are applicable to the type of product. View information a...
  6. How is the alpha vs. beta graph calculated?

    The alpha vs. beta graph shows a plot of a fund’s alpha (on the X axis) versus its beta (on the Y axis). The graph is most useful when comparing multiple funds rather than a single fund, as in the example illustrated by the screenshot below: ...
  7. My chosen fund’s asset allocations are missing – why is this?

    The fund data for Modeller comes from FE Fundinfo (FE) and sometimes funds are missing the asset allocations. There can be various reasons for this, however we can always query any missing asset allocations from FE Fundinfo. If you have a fund which...
  8. Why does quote prices sometimes differ between Webline and providers?

    When you first register with Webline, any quotations you request will, by default, be requested from the insurers with 100% commission (i.e. no commission sacrificed). It is possible to set the value of commission you would like from each product p...
  9. How does Synaptic deal with contract data?

    Synaptic does not just copy “brochure” text out of a contract’s Key Features document. All data is analysed, and expressed quantitatively where possible – e.g. three detailed, filterable fields rather than a single field co...
  10. How is the quartile ranking graph calculated?

    The quartile ranking graph shows a plot of a fund’s quartile rankings within each discrete 12-month period. In the first example screenshot below, the fund has been a top-quartile performer in 7 out of the 10 periods. A simila...