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  1. How can I manually add or update values to holdings?

    The underlying assets tab on the left hand side navigation under Holdings, is where you can specify what the plan is made of in terms of funds or asset classes and what the current valuation is. Once in Underlying Assets , you have the choice ...
  2. Where can I find the asset allocation graphs in Modeller?

    The other symbol will either be a black ‘i’ or a warning triangle. Clicking on this will allow you to see the asset allocation of the particular fund in both the raw data supplied by FE and the Synaptic asset classes that the suite uses....
  3. How do I use Manual fund lists?

    As described above, a manual fund list is simply an ad hoc list of funds chosen by you, rather than a list of funds which have something in common – such as unit trusts in the same sector, funds linked to a specific contract etc. You add fund...
  4. What do the Modeller graphs tell me?

    The widest point of the graph dictates the “mode” value range i.e. the range in which the most answers fell. The probability of achieving the minimum amount of the target goal decreases as you move up the graph. In the example above,...
  5. How do I obtain protection quotes through Synaptic?

    When performing research into some products (mostly price-led contracts such as term assurance, CIC etc.), Synaptic provides the valuable option of retrieving live quotations so that you can perform research using features AND pricing at the sam...
  6. Is there a limit on concurrent users?

    Your firm may have a limit on the maximum number of people who are allowed to use the system at the same time. You will see an error message (like the one illustrated by the screenshot below) if you try to log on when the cap has already been reache...
  7.  Getting started with maturity value calculator

    This video will take you through the Maturity values calculator, which will allow you to bring all illustrations growth rates up in line with each other, if they have different rates. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  8. Setting up Client & Family Assets Under Administration

    To enter Assets Under Administration on a client basis, click on the Contacts button on the left hand menu: Select the client you wish to enter the assets to. Click on the Client & Family Assets button.  You will then need ...
  9. What are the benefits of using Synaptic Research?

    The key elements for financial advisers are clearly researching recommendations to clients, and generating documentation to support a recommendation: The key benefits to financial advisers are as follows: Speed and ease of use, but in a system wh...
  10. How do I delete a duplicate record?

    You can delete a duplicate client entries by selecting the client and then using the x at the top ribbon to delete the entry as shown below: You will be given a warning prompt to confirm that you really want to delete the client entry. Deleted e...