Updated Articles

  1. Off-Platform Holdings - Settings

    The Settings tab will include Product Charges, Growth rates and Adviser Fees. Adviser Fees will only be available for user defined/custom holdings. For more information, see article Generic Holdings - Charges ...
  2. Generic Holdings - Performance

    This article is a continuation of Generic Holdings - Assets The Performance tab lists all valuations completed (manual or through electronic valuations) against the holding. For more information on the valuation, click into the Performance I...
  3. Generic Holdings - Cash Accounts

    This article is a continuation of Generic Holdings - Underlying Assets Add cash account details under the Cash Account  tab within a generic holding: Click New Complete details of the cash account and Save Note: Only the Accou...
  4. Generic Holdings - Charges

    This article is a continuation of Generic Holdings - Performance Charges information can be added to Generic Holdings through the Charges  tab: Enter the Headline Product Charges % The Override Defaults button will be greyed out...
  5. Generic Holdings - Contributions

    This article is a continuation of Creating a Generic Holding To add contributions to a Generic Holding, click New in the Contributions area: Select either Regular, Single  or Transfer : Complete details of the contribution: ...
  6. Platform Holdings - Withdrawals

    This article is a continuation of Platform Holdings - Contributions Add withdrawals to a Holding by selecting New Select Regular, Single or Transfer: Complete the details of the Withdrawal: Once the fields are complete, Sa...
  7. Off-Platform Holdings - Performance

    This article is a continuation of Off-Platform Holdings - Withdrawals The Performance tab lists all valuations done (manual or through electronic valuations) against the holding. For more information on the valuation, click into the Performa...
  8. Creating a Generic Holding

    Create a New Contact or load an existing record: This will open the contact record. Click into the Holdings tab and click New under the Off-Platform or Platform Holdings area: As we are creating a generic holding, the provider/prod...
  9. Off-Platform Holdings - Contributions

    This article is a continuation of Off-Platform Holdings - Underlying Assets To add contributions to an Off-Platform Holding. Click New in the Contributions area: Select either Regular, Single or Transfer: Complete the details of the Con...
  10. Off-Platform Holdings - Withdrawals

    This article is a continuation of Off-Platform Holdings - Contributions Add Withdrawals to a Holding by selecting New: Select Regular, Single or Transfer: Complete the details of the Withdrawal: Once the fields are complete...