Updated Articles

  1.  Synaptic Pathways - Contacts

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. How to create a Contact in Synaptic Pathways ...
  2.  Synaptic Pathways - Off-Platform Holdings

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  3. Generic Holdings - Withdrawals

    This article is a continuation of Generic Holdings - Contributions Add withdrawals to a generic holding by selecting New: Select Regular, Single or Transfer : Complete the details of the withdrawal: Once the fields are c...
  4. Generic Holdings - Underlying Assets

    This article is a continuation of Generic Holdings - Withdrawals To add underlying assets to a generic holding, click into the  Underlying Assets  tab: Click New Complete the details of the asset. Either leave Underlying asse...
  5. Platform Holdings - Settings

    The Settings tab will include Product Charges, Growth rates and Adviser Fees. Adviser Fees will only be available for user defined/custom holdings. For more information, see article Generic Holdings - Charges ...
  6. Generic Funds - Creating a Fund

    Generic funds can be created under all holding types, including generic holdings. This allows you to create a fund that is not available on the FE fundinfo database and can be used in research you create in Synaptic Pathways. Navigate to the holdi...
  7. Generic Funds - Asset Class

    This article is a continuation of Generic Funds - Creating a Fund Once the fund has been created, you will need to navigate back into the fund to set the Asset Classes: Click into the fund: Click into the Asset Class  tab: Modi...
  8. Generic Funds - Editing a Fund

    This article is a continuation of Generic Funds - Asset Class Edit details of a generic fund through the Holdings> Underlying Assets area: Either click into the Fund or use the drop down arrow to the right of the fund. Editing a fund wi...
  9. Generic Funds - Deleting a Fund

    This article is a continuation of Generic Funds - Editing a Fund Delete a Generic Fund either from the underlying assets screen or within a fund. Underlying Assets Area Click into the drop down arrow to the right of the fund: Delete ...
  10. Generic Holdings - Assets

    This article is a continuation of Generic Holdings - Cash Accounts To add assets to a generic holding, click into the Assets tab: Click New Complete details of the New Asset  and  Save The asset will be listed w...