Updated Articles

  1. Setting Attitude to Risk Manually

    To create an attitude to risk questionnaire, create a new contact or find an existing contact record. In this example, I will search for a contact called ‘Test Client 1’: This will load up their contact record: To create an atti...
  2. Sending an Attitude to Risk Questionnaire to your client to complete

    To create an attitude to risk questionnaire, create a new contact or find an existing contact record.  In this example, I will search for a contact called ‘Test Client 1’: This will load up their contact record: To create a...
  3. Creating an Attitude to Risk Questionnaire on behalf of your client

    If you have completed the questionnaire with your client and would like to complete the questions manually, follow the steps below: Create a new contact or find an existing contact record.  In this example, I will search for a contact called ...
  4. Creating a new Attitude to Risk Questionnaire

    You can create an attitude to risk questionnaire in two ways, either by completing the questions on behalf of your client, or sending them the questionnaire by email to complete themselves. To create an attitude to risk questionnaire, create a new ...
  5. Homepage

    See below for key areas on the Synaptic Pathways Homepage: ...
  6. How do I log into Risk Explorer?

    Go to Synaptic | Powerful Software for Advisers Log into Synaptic Pathways through the Login link on the right of the screen: This will take you to the Salesforce login screen: ...
  7. Creating an Off-Platform Holding

    Holdings can be found within a Contact record. Create a New Contact or load an existing record: This will open the contact record. Click into the Holdings tab and click New under the Off-Platform Holdings area: Enter the details of t...
  8. Contact Page

    See below for key areas of Synaptic Pathways Contact page:
  9. Creating a Contact

    Create a new contact by navigating to Contact in the top toolbar:  Select the drop down arrow to create a new contact: Complete the details of your client:  When entering the birthdate, start by selecting the year, month and ...
  10. Homepage

    See below for key areas on the Synaptic Pathways Homepage: ...