Updated Articles

  1. Company Settings - Branding

    Your brand colours can be added here – you will need the HEX code of your primary colour and secondary colour. If you click in the colour drop down box, you will be able to select the colour or enter the RGB: A Company Log...
  2. Can I apply a special deal to MPS portfolios?

    You can apply a deal by creating an In-House Discretionary portfolio. 1. In-House Discretionary portfolio Build the IHD portfolio in the normal way through Portfolio Builder. You can use one portfolio, or more as required. See article In-Ho...
  3. Adding/Removing Portfolios from the Central Investment Proposition

    Navigate into the Investment Pathways tab. Click into the CIP you would like to amend: Click into the Portfolio Tab: Use the search box on the left of the screen to find Portfolios you would like to add to the CIP.   The  ...
  4. Central Investment Proposition - Adding Portfolios

    This article is a continuation of  Central Investment Proposition - Adding Off Platform Products Add Portfolios to the  Central Investment Proposition through the Portfolios tab: Use the search box on the left of the screen to ...
  5. Investment Pathways - Model, Bespoke & In-House Discretionary Portfolios

    You can create/view portfolios within Portfolio Builder (As seen in article Portfolio Builder - Creating a Portfolio ) or within Investment Pathways. This article will take you through the Investment Pathwa ys area. Click into the por...
  6. Creating a special deal for Aviva Wrap

    In Synaptic Pathways, you are able to create special deals for Providers. Provider charging structures can vary and may need to be setup differently to ensure the deal pulls through correctly. For the Aviva Wrap Platform, they have a Core (insured...
  7. Pathways Illustration charge vs Provider published charge

    Costs and charges that have been returned in Pathways using our calculations engine cannot be derived by adding the sum of provider brochure published charges. The calculations engine is more complex and utilises many different factors to provide an...
  8. Why is there a negative transaction cost?

    Transaction costs are taken from the Mifid ii feed.  In some cases, due to reporting requirements which allow for delay impact, this can result in a negative transaction cost.  The delay impact is caused by the difference between the price...
  9. Applying direct from CIExpert

    You will be able to view the status of your assessment within CIExpert.  When ready to complete the application form, click Apply Now   Click Apply Now to be redirected to straight to the provider websi...
  10. Synaptic Pathways Due Dilligence

    Synaptic Pathways Due Diligence (1).pdf