The Help tab on the top right of the screen, provides you with access to the Knowledge Base, Help Videos, Support, Critical Illness Table, Provider Documents, Terms and Conditions for Webline and the Cookie Policy. ...
To view or print Provider documents, click on the Display Help question mark at the top right of the screen: Click into Provider Documents . Within this section, you will find a list of providers. Click on the provider required and their avai...
If Waiver of Premium is required, you can select this option to include it in the relevant quotation. You can select either Waiver of Premium By Product or Waiver of Premium By Benefit ...
If a quotation for Family Income Protection is selected the following screen will appear: Critical Illness options can be selected under Cover Type The User can make their selection from these options. ...
When obtaining an Income Protection quotation, the following screen will appear: You can make your selection from these options, please note when selecting the Deferment period, only one period can be selected per quotation. ...
Within the Level Term Assurance, Decreasing Term assurance and Family Income Protection quotations there is an option for Critical Illness Cover as shown in the following screen. Select Critical Illness Options: You can then select the...
If Decreasing Term Assurance is selected you are able to make a selection for the quote from the following screen. Select the Mortgage Interest Rate for Decreasing Term: This can include making a selection on Critical Illness Cover by s...
If Level Term Assurance is selected you are able to make a selection for the quote from the following screen: You can make a selection for Critical Illness Cover by selecting the appropriate button; ...
A separate screen is available for each of the benefit type selected. Each part of the Multi Benefit quote has its own form and the quote will only be requested when all of the parts have been filled in. It is possible to fill in the forms in an...
The Multi benefit quotation steps follow the same journey as the Standalone Products with few changes to the navigation. Start the Multi Benefit quote after filling in the client details by selecting the Multi Benefit Products tab. Select th...