Updated Articles

  1. What's in Risk Explorer 2.0 Release?

    The Risk Explorer release 2.0 contains new features along with several improvements to the existing application.  New Features Sustainable Drawdown  The Sustainable Drawdown calculator allows you to model different scenarios to see th...
  2. Can we include our regulatory statements on communications and reports?

    Within Configuration ,  under your Company Settings   b randing  options  can  be set to apply   your   preferred  primary and secondary colours  and Company  logo  to  ap...
  3. Company Settings - Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer and Risk Questionnaire Message

    The Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer and Risk Questionnaire Message areas allow you to add your own wording which will appear on digital outputs. Edit by selecting the pen icon to the right of the field: Add in your Terms & Conditions t...
  4. Configuration

    The configuration tab is where you can view/amend your Company Information, Branding, Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer & a Risk Questionnaire Message. You can also view the Central Investment Strategy, add Special Deals and Discounts informati...
  5. My Risk Explorer screen doesn't look right - How can I resolve this?

    If you are having issues with the view of Synaptic Pathways, for e.g. aligned issues, this may be related to your browser. Ensure your browser is on the latest stable version.  Synaptic Pathways is best used on Google Chrome. See article What...
  6. How do I include inflation in an Illustration?

    Inflation can be viewed under the Results + Inflation or the Results + Costs & Inflation tabs: To apply Inflation to the research, click into the Advanced Options tab of an illustration. You can either enable the impact of inflation to chan...
  7. Where do the Compliance notes in the Attitude to Risk Questionnaire pull through to?

    Compliance Notes pull through to the Attitude to Risk Questionnaire Report: ...
  8. How do I remove the target amount red line from the graph?

    When within the Advanced Options screen of an Illustration, there is a Target Field at the top left of the graph. Entering a Target amount here will add a red target line within the graph, as seen below: This field can also be populated when us...
  9. Why can't I see withdrawals and contributions in the outcome graph?

    If your client has invested a large initial lump sum with smaller contributions and withdrawals, it may appear as if the contributions and withdrawals are not appearing in the graph. They are included, but may appear small - as seen below: ...
  10. Will you be able to setup an end goal for a client at beginning of journey?

    Complete  the  illustration  journey  for your client , when you reach the Results  screen you  can   edit the details to  specify  a Target Amount and solve to an initial or regular contribut...