New Articles

  1. Can I send an Attitude to Risk Questionnaire to the client to complete?

    Yes - You can find the 'Send to Client to Complete' button  at  the top right of an Attitude to Risk Questionnaire  screen . This will send an email to the client, where they can complete the questionnaire in their own ti...
  2. Why can't I see withdrawals and contributions in the graph?

    If your client has invested a large initial lump sum with smaller contributions and withdrawals, it may appear as if the contributions and withdrawals are not appearing in the graph. They are included, but may appear small - as seen below: ...
  3. Why is the 'Use Client's Default Risk Category' greyed out on the Pathway Selection screen?

    The 'Use the Client's Default Attitude to Risk' button is greyed out if the Client's attitude to risk questionnaire has not been completed and set to default. Navigate to the client and either complete an attitude to risk questionna...
  4. What Support is available?

    Our Support Team will assist you with any queries you may have. For all user and technical queries, contact us on   Telephone: 0808 164 5463   Email:   Sometimes it's faster and easier to find y...
  5. How do I include inflation in an Illustration?

    Inflation can be viewed under the Results + Inflation or the Results + Costs & Inflation tabs: To apply Inflation to the research, click into the Advanced Options tab of an illustration. You can either enable the impact of inflation to chan...
  6. Can I have multiple illustrations open at one time?

    Multiple tasks will appear as  separate  tabs on the navigation bar. This allows you to park one task, while using other areas of the system and then return to your task.   ...
  7. How do I remove the target amount red line from the graph?

    When within the Advanced Options screen of an Illustration, there is a Target Field at the top left of the graph. Entering a Target amount here will add a red target line within the graph, as seen below: This field can also be populated when us...
  8. Why is the Portfolio Fact sheet 'view' button greyed out in the Compliance Details tab?

    The 'View'button is greyed out if you have selected a portfolio from our Discretionary Fund Managers, Multi-Assets &Insurance Distribution Directives. A fact sheet will not be available. Only Model & Bespoke Portfolios you have crea...
  9. How do the Asset Allocations align to the Attitude to Risk Questionnaire?

    Moody’s Asset Allocations are aligned with the responses and scoring on the Attitude to Risk Questionnaire.  
  10. Will you be able to setup an end goal for a client at beginning of journey?

    Complete  the  illustration  journey  for your client , when you reach the Results  screen you  can   edit the details to  specify  a Target Amount and solve to an initial or regular contribut...