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  1. Comparison with Ex-ante - Creating Research

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  2. Synaptic Pathways - Contacts

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. How to create a Contact in Synaptic Pathways ...
  3. Organisation Growth Rates

    Set default growth rates for your organisation for use in the research journeys. The growth rates set will be used as default values for deterministic projections for user defined holdings and when determining ceding schemes yields in Switching res...
  4. Portfolio Builder - Exporting Funds

    Fund based Model, Bespoke and MPS portfolios can be exported into a CSV file containing a list of the fund codes and weightings. Navigate to a Portfolio: Click into the dropdown arrow on the top right of the screen and select Export Funds :...
  5. Can research be conducted from a holding that hasn't been converted from Ex-Ante Research?

    Yes, In the 4.2 release you are able to select a new holding (including generic) and create an ex-post review. When the ex-post review loads, you will see the same screen as when using a converted holding from ex-ante research, but there will be no...
  6. Generic Holdings - Charges

    This article is a continuation of Generic Holdings - Performance Charges information can be added to Generic Holdings through the Charges  tab: Enter the Headline Product Charges % The Override Defaults button will be greyed out...
  7. Generic Holdings - Performance

    This article is a continuation of Generic Holdings - Assets The Performance tab lists all valuations completed (manual or through electronic valuations) against the holding. For more information on the valuation, click into the Performance I...
  8. Generic Holdings - Assets

    This article is a continuation of Generic Holdings - Cash Accounts To add assets to a generic holding, click into the Assets tab: Click New Complete details of the New Asset  and  Save The asset will be listed w...
  9. Generic Holdings - Cash Accounts

    This article is a continuation of Generic Holdings - Underlying Assets Add cash account details under the Cash Account  tab within a generic holding: Click New Complete details of the cash account and Save Note: Only the Accou...
  10. Generic Holdings - Underlying Assets

    This article is a continuation of Generic Holdings - Withdrawals To add underlying assets to a generic holding, click into the  Underlying Assets  tab: Click New Complete the details of the asset. Either leave Underlying asse...