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  1. Ex-Post Reviews - Report Content

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Compliance Details   The Report Content contains a Recommendation Summary and Target Portfolio Summary.  When completed, they will appear on the report. The Objective Summary&...
  2. Ex-Post Reviews - Compliance Details

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Capacity for Loss The Compliance Details tab includes an internal Compliance Statement , Stochastic Investment Forecast Details by Year , Portfolio Factsheet  and   Risk Summary....
  3. Ex-Post Reviews - Capacity for Loss

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Costs & Charges The Capacity for Loss questionnaire for the proposal will need to be completed before continuing through the tabs and onto the Client Check-In s creen Complete the questi...
  4. Ex-Post Reviews - Costs & Charges

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Suitability The Costs & Charges tab includes a breakdown of all costs, in line with MifID directives: Disclosure also needs to include a separate forecast for costs for the first year, ...
  5. Ex-Post Reviews - Suitability

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Deterministic Forecast The Suitability tab includes two Efficient Frontier Graphs. The first column is based on the Current - Investment Asset Allocation . The second column is based on the Pr...
  6. Ex-Post Reviews - Deterministic Forecast

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Stochastic Forecast The Deterministic Forecast tab includes Current - Deterministic Forecast of the Current Investment &  Proposal - Deterministic Forecast of the Proposed Investment....
  7. Ex-Post Reviews - Stochastic Forecast

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise The Stochastic Forecast tab includes a Projection, Probability and Portfolio graph: The first column is based on the Target Strategic Asset Allocation . The second column is based ...
  8. Ex-Post Reviews - Optimise

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews - Edit The optimise button allows you to optimise the holding portfolio for the proposal. You are able to: Review the funds and current weightings to determine whether the portfolio should be u...
  9. Ex-Post Reviews - Edit

    This article is a continuation of  Ex-Post Reviews - Review Screen Once you have reviewed the previous and current Illustration, you are able to edit the details in the Proposal column. You are able to edit details of: Policy Details Inve...
  10. Ex-Post Reviews - Review Screen

    This article is a continuation of Ex-Post Reviews When the review has been created, you will be taken to the Review screen: The screen is split into Previous, Current and Proposal: Click the edit pen to select Investment Snapshot: ...